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Thursday, August 30, 2018

Lyin' Brian Williams Strikes AGAIN! - "Trump Hates Dogs"


  1. The media will do anything to cut down our president. I am so disgusted with them. When will it end?

  2. So, he may like dogs but they take a dedication of time which he may feel he doesn't have. So what even if he doesn't like them, lots of people don't! Geeze grabbing at straws in order to make him look like the worst ever...he is just one of many "deplorables" Hillary doesn't like!!

  3. I love dogs but I don't own one. Treating someone like a dog is an expression that has been around years. MSM find something else to nit pick, you just never pass up the chance to prove what a$$ holes you are.

  4. THIS is their agenda.

    A DOG STORY? And somehow, they make it an anti-Trump NEWS article.

    Good work.

    Trump is going to give you six more years of fun...

  5. More democrat lies. When are you people going to realize that democrats are NOT good for America.


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