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Sunday, August 26, 2018

Lipstick On A Pig In Downtown Salisbury Maryland

You know it's not good when they start putting blacktop shavings in place of actual sidewalks ahead of the upcoming Salisbury Festival. 


  1. I wonder how many out-of-town ers will come here for the festival, see what a dump this place is and NEVER EVER come back.

  2. How long until someone falls overboard into the river near the hotel?
    Wonder how many have we have not heard about?
    Hopefully they don't drown.
    County ordinance says new have to have a fence around any pool on your property I believe. But the can have a walkway you can step into the river off of.
    Or trip over all the gravel they've put down.

    1. Apparently you have never left the eastern shore. Cities all over the US have river walks without any type of rail/fence. Google it.

    2. And how do you trip over gravel?

  3. wonder how much this "change order" cost the taxpayers.

  4. It looks like a cheap fix ahead of the entire removal and replacement of all of the sidewalks. The plan's new sidewalks are not located exactly where the present ones are.

  5. Just paint over it with rainbows will look great.

  6. At least they got the crosswalk painted rainbow.

  7. Well, this work was supposed to be completed what, 8-9 days ago? Actually a month but the contractor walked away probably for not getting paid? Also, the triangle at the monument work up by Delmarva Power Sports has been incomplete and idle for months on end, too. Spent all your money, Jakie?

    NOTICE TO ALL THE BANDS SCHEDULED FOR THE FOLK FESTIVAL: Make sure you get paid up front and have a guaranteed contract or schedule something else now. Salisbury isn't paying the bills they have now.

  8. Might be a positive thing......for the robbers, rapist, criminal element praying on the "100,000's of 1000's visitors to the festival, attempting to run away might get slowed down running in shavings

  9. If you think these are bad take real close up shots of our nasty river and the banks of grease and sludge the Festival Goers will see, not to mention the floating dead rats and geese. Or the boarded up nasty tire businesses all along Rt 13 which they can't miss, and the boarded up abandoned businesses along Rt13. And better yet where are all these people going to stay, if they have to go to OC for room and board they won't return to Salisbury because Ocean City has more to offer them, than this Fake Jake Festival.

    1. The only people coming are the performers. This festival is a money laundering joke

  10. It's OK we have rainbow cross walks.

  11. Salisburys new name SALBENDKVERY.

  12. So, downtown was essentially closed for how long, and this is the final result? Jake's a joke!

  13. Fake Jake's cheasapeake paving.

  14. This cheap fix wasn't cheap,as much as doing it right.

  15. Try driving on Baptist St between Main and Market. You’ll think you’re in some third world country. I guess that one is way down on somebody’s list.

  16. Those businesses are going to love people tracking that crap into their shops.

  17. Just don't attend the festival.

  18. With the savings from the parking garage we now have enough money to put 500 Trump flags around town.

  19. Oh this is nothing. You should see the actual hack job they did at the park. Literal hack job on the bank. They left fallen trees, bushes, brush, weeds in the water. Looks like crap. Should have been done an month ago so it could regenerate some green. Now it is just a nasty bank of dead brown weeds and debris all over the place.

    1. You do realize we've had weather since then don't you?? Oh that's right. Mommies basement doesn't have Windows.

  20. Who's dthe department head in charge of All of this?? Hate to say it folks it's Barrie tilghman's chosen one Tom Stevenson, AGAIN!! Should have never been promoted past neighborhood code enforcement

  21. It's OBVIOUS it's a flooded sidewalk.

  22. 9:14 don't worry about someone falling in the river if you look at the picture of the downtown amphitheater you will see that they have installed a ladder so someone can climb out of the river safely after they have slipped on the goose shit. So you see they have done a lot of planning and I'm certain that will make everyone feel much better.

  23. Great! A passive thermal covering that reduces icing and snow, has better shoe grip stability, and doesn't get damaged by salt, like concrete. Actually, what's not to like about this material.

  24. The city doesn't care, becasue it thinks it will make so much money off of this fair... It will be a disaster and as long as SBY host it, I doubt it will be a big hit and I doubt most people will want to come back until it is hosted somewhere else... But this is what happens when you people let them tax you to death, and waste it as much as they can, mostly they give themselves raises but you people seem a ok with it so...

    Maybe one day you will give a shit, maybe one day you will care about your area in which you live...

  25. I hope everyone realizes that only the bottom picture is the finished product. The other pictures are the work in progress. It doesn't look bad, and is way more functional than traditional concrete. The downtown renovation and utility upgrade required tearing out the sidewalk. It was a perfect time to upgrade the sidewalk.

  26. 12:14 PM welcome to the shore where we think black top is more functional than concrete. You work for the guberment don't you? You on team Jake? Not a very logical statement there cookie..

  27. 1214-The finished product looks terrible! Calling that an upgrade, you're out of your mind!

  28. @12:14 how do you "upgrade" a sidewalk?? Replacing a sidewalk with any type of petroleum based product is as dumb as you defending incompetent craftsmanship. It looks like a hail marry cover it up with crush and run. This only tells me you're either out of money to finish this garbage correctly or there's no time or both of the above. Good luck walking on that on a sumnertime 100 degree day. Probably going to ruin s few pairs of shoes

  29. I'm actually going to agree with you on something for once. Took my family through there yesterday and couldn't believe what I saw.

  30. August 26, 2018 at 3:01 PM:

    If you don't realize blacktop is more functional than concrete, then you don't know why most of the roads are paved with asphalt and NOT concrete. My, aren't YOU the foolish one. If I'm a cookie, you're a sour tart. Even I can spell government. Your comment isn't even rational, just immature blather.

    1. You obviously don't ride motorcycles. Go out on the black top on a 95' day a see how long you can stay in one place. It's even more adventurous when it heats up and all the oil base comes to the top and then rains. Good luck with aspga sidewalks idiots

    2. Asphalt made with petroleum, concrete made with water. HHHMMM think I'd prefer to utilize the old concrete walkway myself

  31. August 26, 2018 at 3:01 PM:

    Welcome to the shore, but now go back where you came from. We were doing fine without you. We don't need any damn Baltimoron telling us how to pave our sidewalks.

  32. It's obvious the idiots have run out of money. This half assed attempt to finish with the asphalt/stone mixture was/is the cheapest solution to make it ghetto fabulous presentable


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