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Friday, August 24, 2018

King’s second area school to remove bishops’ names from buildings

WILKES-BARRE — On the heels of The University of Scranton making similar moves, King’s College has announced plans to rescind prior actions taken to honor Diocese of Scranton bishops implicated in the scathing grand jury report on priest sex abuse.

A statement issued by the college notes King’s “has been reviewing the report with leaders of other local Catholic colleges and universities, board members and members of the college community to determine appropriate responses in accordance with Bishop (Joseph) Bambera’s edict that ‘child sexual abuse cannot be tolerated and must be eradicated.’”

King’s granted an honorary degree to Bishop James C. Timlin, accused in the report of covering up priest sex abuse. The college is considering rescinding that degree, the statement said.



  1. The catholic church is dead or soon will be.

  2. My concern is why didn't the church investigate and expose this slime. Why did it take a secular court to expose this?

  3. The catholic church in Salisbury harbors illegal aliens.

  4. More priests for Pedophile Island. More dorm rooms needed.

  5. It seems that this topic keeps popping up.. so to reiterate what needed clearing up in a previous thread:

    It's not just Catholics, so get off your high horses.

    I encourage you to do the research for yourself... the major insurers of Protestant Churches report that child abuse happens as regularly in non Catholic Christian Churches... and that info is also backed up by Billy Grahams Grandson, who fights this on a regular basis.

    So don't pretend this is a Catholic problem. This is a religion problem. You might want to look to get your own house in order before slinging mud at someone elses.


    People don't report this atrocity because for some asinine reason they think they are protecting the church or their God... which is absurd when you think about it. You need a more moral source to help out.. the secular court system.


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