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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

In Rural America, Violent Crime Reaches Highest Level in a Decade

The loss of jobs and the opioid epidemic are two of the biggest reasons.

When you think about crime, what do you picture? Probably the dark and scary streets of a crowded city. After all, cop shows always seem to be set in big cities.

But while violent crime is still a problem in urban areas, many of them are in fact safer now than they’ve been in decades. The violent crime rate in rural areas, meanwhile, has climbed above the national average for the first time in 10 years.

In Iowa, the overall violent crime rate rose by 3 percent between 2006 and 2016, but shot up by 50 percent in communities with fewer than 10,000 residents. Violent crime rates have doubled in rural counties in West Virginia over the past couple of decades, while tripling in New Hampshire. “Rural areas, which traditionally have had lower crime rates, have seen dramatic increases in incarceration rates,” says Jacob Kang-Brown, a senior research associate with the Vera Institute of Justice. “We see them now having the highest incarceration rates in the country.”



  1. Yes, living in the country sounds great, no neighbors to deal with and land, plenty of land, BUT, if you need a cop, you can wait the average of 27 minutes before they can get there, Fire, average wait time is 25 minutes. And those great neighbors, well, they have junk cars, dilapidated buildings, and other trash all over their "Property", so you know they are there. Then there is the fall trespassers, shooting your game, or you livestock. Yes, living in the country is great...

  2. Living in the country is the closest you'll get to what the framers intended for this country. Citizens with a strong sense of independence and self determination. Who needs a police officer? I've run off several would be criminals with my 12 gauge. If you are going to whine about lack of public services and zoning, please stay in a neighborhood. Those of us that love freedom and independence will stay out in the country....Loving every moment.

    1. Alright tough guy.

    2. Not being able to assimilate into a society doesnt make you tough. Do you think the framers of the constitution wanted the elite making tax laws for the poor?

    3. 12:26...i was only making a point about the responsibilities that accompany freedom. However,as a former Marine and Gulf 1 vet, I'll be happy to "debate" with you anytime, any place. Jagoff.

  3. And the good old Federal government pays to move these thugs into our neighborhoods, rural or not!


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