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Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Grandson of ex-Virginia governor dodges prison in rape case

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — A former Virginia governor’s grandson accused of raping a fellow University of Virginia student has avoided prison time.

The Daily Progress reports Stephen Dalton Baril’s charges were reduced Friday from felony rape and felony sodomy to misdemeanor sexual battery and felony unlawful wounding as part of his Alford plea, which acknowledges sufficient evidence for conviction without admitting guilt.

The woman told police Baril took her to his apartment and raped her instead of walking her home from a bar in January 2017.

Judge Humes J. Franklin on Friday sentenced the 21-year-old former UVa student to five years’ supervised probation. Franklin accepted the plea agreement, deeming it a fair compromise, in part because neither party was happy.



  1. Liberals protecting liberals.

  2. Imagine that.....

  3. His lawyer said to him, "Were going to pull a Clinton, on this one", and gave him the thumbs up sign.

  4. "...neither party was happy."

    I'll bet HE wasn't too upset.
    SHE got brutally raped.
    HE got probation.
    Seems fair to me.

    I can see why she's "unhappy", but him?? He should be jumping for joy!!
    How did HE get in the "Two Sets of Laws" club???
    Keep cheering.


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