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Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Go Figure!


  1. 1. Loral
    2. Iranian deal worked out by John Kerry (Lurch)
    3. Uraniam 1

  2. ...and DemRCraps are brainless, Pinnochios

  3. George h w bush and bill clinton signed NAFTA and that is when Americans started the down hill slide on losing jobs.

  4. You missed the gentleman and all his backers that wasted a trillion dollars and thousands of US lives chasing WMD in the desert while next door they were arming up.

  5. Read the book "Secret Empires" It will blow your mind regarding the ways China has worked their way into our nuclear energy, aircraft top secret technology, top secret websites with top secret classifications given to them by John Kerry, Joe Biden, the Clinton's and so many others!

  6. Let's not forget the Chinese spy working for a Beltway contractor who gave away nuclear and missile secrets under Obama.


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