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Sunday, August 12, 2018

From What State Do You Think Are The Worst Drivers?


  1. Not even close, PENNSYLVANIA

  2. Jersey/Pennsylvania

  3. Delaware.Get between Salisbury and Delmar on 13 and Delaware drivers are an obvious problem.

  4. Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Virginia

  5. PA, not even close


  6. Actually, rude, inconsiderate and inattentive drivers seem to be pretty evenly distributed. Visitors from other states always have a disadvantage when traveling away from home.

  7. Massachusetts. Moved there with a restored 69 mustang in 1985. It was totaled in 6 months after to crazy drivers hit me. I've been in traffic in Egypt where they don't even have lanes, in Cairo. MA drivers are the worst!

  8. It is Delaware, Maryland or California...

  9. Alabama!
    Went there to visit my brother in law who was stationed there in the Air Force. I saw some sights! People would be stopped at a red light in the turn lane and would get impatient and drive over the medium strip to make a U turn! Some did not use turn signals or the rear turn signal lights would be missing!

    Of Course PA drivers as well. Don't even know how to cross a highway and merge into traffic! Most of accidents I have seen around here are with PA drivers.

    1. The “medium” strip? Are you sure it wasn’t a “large” strip? The word is MEDIAN

    2. omg 937....

      we knew what they are implying

      Good Lord, this is not an English class man

    3. I have a lot of trouble with Apple “spell check” too.

  10. Nj turnpike.

  11. Plenty of states with lousy drivers, but I believe the state with the best drivers is Hawaii.

  12. PA. Jersey is agressive but not bad. It's fun to watch them try to figure out how to use the pump at the gas station too.

  13. Well, there always seem to be a lot of fatal accidents on the news in Delaware.

  14. I was in PA and they think Tourist from MARYLAND drive like idiots.

  15. every state that has a person on a cell phone and is trying to drive

  16. Dave T: Maryland and Delaware

  17. Pennsylvania drivers (especially eastern PA) are both rude and arrogant - DE drivers are completely oblivious of anyone/anything and lack any situational awareness at all

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Actually, rude, inconsiderate and inattentive drivers seem to be pretty evenly distributed. Visitors from other states always have a disadvantage when traveling away from home.

    August 8, 2018 at 10:19 AM

    That is pretty much accurate. Anyone who tailgates or travels in the left lane is terrible.

    And one more thing, the Lord moves in mysterious ways, you don't have to. Use turn signals.

    1. Thank u. No one uses blinkers around here it seems.

  19. I used to think it was Virginia, but it's gotta be PA

  20. PA and Delaware. Delaware drivers are in a hurry to get in your way. PA drivers think they should apply their breaks at the stop sign and not before it!

  21. Beyond ANY doubt - FLORIDA! Especially Southern Florida. Old ladies giving you the finger when you hit the horn while they try to make a right from the left-hand lane.

  22. Every State, because there are stupid, inconsiderate drivers all over the roads in every state.

  23. Definitely PA. Most drive like they've lost their mind! After the pedestrian on the sidewalk was hit years ago, Mom said the O.C. locals said it's summer, the PA people are back, & the people on the sidewalks are scared! D.C., Jersey & N.Y. are usually aggressive, N.C. & VA speed. As for those making excuses for out-of-state drivers, the rules of the road & courtesy don't differ from one state to another. People need to slow down a bit, instead of acting as if it were a video game, before it's permanently GAME OVER.

  24. Maryland. GET OUT OF THE LEFT LANE.

  25. It's a close one. PA with a narrow lead over DE. NY and NJ are rude and aggressive, but not too bad. VA is bad in that they ride in the passing lane like DE and NC. Just let us pass, already!!!

  26. Snow birds in Florida.

  27. PA hands dow. They don’t use turning signals, make u turns wherever and are bad drivers. I once saw a PA driver cross over from the extreme right lane to turn to the left on Rt. 113. They are the reason DEDOT is closing some of them.

  28. New Jersey for sure

  29. Lower Eastern Shore... worst are locals traveling Rt50 between Cambridge and Salisbury. I travel between DC and the shore 3 to 4 times a week for my job.

  30. My hometown Salisbury, MD ranks right with them. Don't follow rules of the road and are very rude behind the wheel.

  31. Have you noticed something here? Almost everyone is pointing fingers at out of state drivers. Of course those out of state drivers are going to be worse than Shorebillies, they don't know where they are going. However, without them, all Da 'bury would have would be hood rats and farmers (no farms, no food).

    The reality is, every driver is worse than those who live in the area where you are asking "what states have the worse drivers?". Nobody is going to point the finger at themselves. Duh....

    With that said, this is why I say Maryland drivers are the worse. I used to travel between the shores of Maryland everyday. Do you know how many times, I would come across a driver in the left lane "too scared to pass the car in the right lane"? And 98% of the time,the plate on the car? Maryland.

    I drive back and forth on the PA turnpike, do you know frustrating it is to come up to a line of cars in the left late and at the head of is someone who is not passing the car beside them? Then when you do finally get around the drive who refuses to get out of the left lane, what plate is on the car? Maryland....

    Do Maryland drivers realize that you A) Don't make left turns from the right lane (and vice versa) B) when approaching a line of cars that are in single file due to lane closure that driving up the open lane and forcing your way in does not save you time, it just makes you look like a @$$hole. C) YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES ON THE ROAD, THE LEFT LAST IS FOR PASSING!!!!

    Before you all start throwing stones at those who drive your economy, I would strongly suggest you look in the mirror.

  32. New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.

  33. AZ has the worst drivers, if you’re not doing 75mph on the freeway you’re in the way

  34. I don't care where you are from, but if you are in the left lane doing the exact same speed a the car next to you in the right lane, you are in deed the worst driver!

  35. I love the local yokels who stay in the left lane on 50 from the stadium stop light to Parsonsburg/Pittsville/Willards turn offs doing 55 mph. Then they brake and slow down to 45 to take the turn off(without ever using their turn signal). If you want to drive like a putz just take old oc road and stay off the highway.

    1. Have you noticed the turn lanes from the left lanes or higher speed lanes are shorter then the right turn lanes. Always though this to be odd.

  36. Easy, Eastern Shore MD. The left lane is passing, not driving your podunk truck 10 mph under the speed limit.

  37. 11:37 said,
    "B) when approaching a line of cars that are in single file due to lane closure that driving up the open lane and forcing your way in does not save you time, it just makes you look like a @$$hole"

    Actually studies have been done by the government and other institutions that recommend that you should do just that when coming upon a lane closure on a multi-lane road or highway. It is called the zipper and it has been shown that if all traffic on a roadway would do this is would move traffic along at a faster pace and lessen back-ups.

    Also as far as slow pokes in the left lane not passing, it has been my experience of having driven all parts of I95 numerous times over the last 40 years that the worst perpetrators of that are from Florida (which probably means that they are originally from New York or New England).

    The real problem is not which state has the worst drivers, the real problem is why do we issue licenses to such lousy drivers. When I want to drive and chill out I take back roads(roads that are designated state or county), when I want to get somewhere quickly I drive the interstate or US highway system and drive at the prevailing speed of the majority and stay in the right lane except to pass until I get to a multi-lane road and I stay in the left lane and keep up with the flow of traffic.

  38. I drive all over the eastern shore. PA is the worse for out of town, but locals are just as bad. There are just too many who don't know the rules or even have any etiquette.

  39. Bad weather coming

  40. 2:26 AMEN TO THAT!

  41. @11:37AM - Well Said!

  42. Rookie Maryland State troopers....

  43. LITTLE Sheriff LEWIS on his high chair Harley
    of MARYLAND,

    suckling on his PACIFIER

    1. Really? so muture. Wow, funny how the Sherrif office would respond to anyone who tries to belittle them. That's what they do, with little pay and putting their life on the line. Let that sink in!!!!!

  44. @4:18PM - While I agree with you, people should use the zipper process to merge into traffic, the problem is, THEY DON'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But come on, I realize common sense is not taught in Eastern Shore schools but when 50 cars are all in the left lane and no one is in the right lane, use your freaking brain!

  45. 7:19..ditto..thanks you!

    It irks me when these superior citizen's get on here to make themselves feel good at other's expense. Screw the grammar police.

    1. No one is trying to make themselves “feel good at others expense”. It’s about having pride in what you write for others to read. It takes, literally, 5 seconds to reread what you have typed before you hit the “publish” button. If you are going to take the time to write something that you want others to read, make sure it is accurate and spell check it. WE are the ones reading it and affected by it. Have pride in yourself. Just because one person doesn’t mind reading poorly written responses doesn’t mean everyone feels the same way.

  46. 1. PA
    2. DE
    3. MA
    4. FL
    5. Tie between NY and NJ

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