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Thursday, August 30, 2018

Eating unprocessed meat, dairy products reduces risk of heart attack

Meat and dairy products like steak and cheese have health benefits and should be introduced into people’s diets, new research suggests.

When eaten alongside fruit, vegetables and fish, unprocessed animal products significantly lower a person's risk of suffering a stroke, heart attack or premature death, according to a study review of more than 218,000 people.

The researchers claim previous studies linking the fat-rich diets of the US and western Europe to heart disease were flawed, with more recent findings suggesting saturated fats may not be as harmful as once thought.

Speaking of the results, published in The Lancet, study author Professor Salim Yusuf, from McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, said: 'Thinking on what constitutes a high quality diet for a global population needs to be reconsidered.

'For example, our results show that dairy products and meat are beneficial for heart health and longevity. This differs from current dietary advice.'



  1. They have know this for awhile. Kept it quite because of the big food and pharma lobby.
    Since the food pyramid was developed diabetes has increased over 400%. How much does diabetes drugs cost?

    Stop eating from the center store. It's all processed garbage.

  2. unprocessed is the key this rules out much of the poison garbage sold in grocery stores
    and even if it says natural you have to look at the USDA definition of what natural is. The USDA at the urging of Big Agri business has bastardized the meaning of commonly used words to describe food products.

  3. Good. Steak tonight.

  4. Access will be the kicker.Lots of things that are better for us are unavailable or unaffordable.

  5. If it's pre-processed, it's got stuff in there that you don't want to eat. I was looking at a slice of specialty cake at a local grocer's the other day. Along with all of the chemical preservatives and colorants, one of the ingredients was cellulose. Yum, sawdust.

  6. FDA is another joke. They pulled my medication of the market due to it being harmful. So, who approved it? Lol

  7. Wait???? What happened to Mad Cow Disease????


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