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Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Donald and the Di-Spy

The point Trump should have made about Senator Feinstein and the FBI

Donald Trump couldn’t resist commenting on the news that Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein was the target of Chinese spying, but he missed the main point.

“I like Dianne Feinstein, I have to tell you, but I don’t like the fact she had a Chinese spy driving her, and she didn’t know it,” Mr. Trump averred at a Saturday rally in Ohio, adding: “Then she says to me: ‘Well, what did you know about this and that [Russia collusion]?’ I mean, give me a break, c’mon folks.”

But the issue here isn’t what Mrs. Feinstein says about Mr. Trump; it’s what the FBI told Mrs. Feinstein but didn’t tell Mr. Trump.

Foreign countries are always trying to steal U.S. secrets, and they sometimes succeed. In this case Mrs. Feinstein tweeted over the weekend that the FBI approached her five years ago with concerns about an “administrative” staffer in her San Francisco office with “no access to sensitive information.” She said she “learned the facts and made sure the employee left my office immediately.”

This is what the FBI should do, and the question Mr. Trump should ask is why the bureau didn’t treat him as a potential President with the same customary courtesy. The FBI claims it had concerns beginning in spring 2016 that low-level Trump campaign staffers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos were colluding with Russians. Yet rather than give the Trump campaign the usual defensive briefing, the FBI launched an unprecedented counterintelligence investigation into a presidential campaign, running informants against it and obtaining surveillance warrants.



  1. Some FBI and DOJ past and current employees need to be arrested.

  2. You have to ask why? Its starting already! They shutdowm info wars! Whos next? Who else do they want to stiffle? They will be coming for the bible soon enough. Since those of us who believe every word as truth will be shutup or putdown. So keep cheering for these globalist luciferian useful idiots

  3. When the President tweeted why wasn't he told his campaign was being investigated some of the Einsteins who frequent this site commented it was what the FBI does. I took it upon myself to school the imbeciles that the FBI most certainly does tell someone who has access to classified info if they suspect foreign meddling. This is the perfect example. The FBI immediately informed feinstein and did not candidate Trump who was at the time received daily intelligence briefings.

  4. It's beginning to look like the Right is ganging up on this poor woman. Cut her some slack. They all look alike and she's from California.


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