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Monday, August 13, 2018

Democrats Want Catch-and-Release for all Pregnant Migrants

Pro-migration advocates are trying to reopen a catch-and-release loophole for the growing number of pregnant migrants which has been narrowed by President Donald Trump.

The effort builds on the Democrats’ success in using emotional images of detained migrant parents and their children to undo Trump’s “zero tolerance” border policy, and it may help Democrats gain support among suburban voters who are disturbed by televised coverage of the sometimes-distressing process of deporting migrants.

From mid-December 2017 to early-April 2018, almost 600 pregnant migrants were caught crossing the border, and almost 40 were in detention on April 7, the Department of Homeland Security told Breitbart News. The agency declined to say if the pregnant migrants were returned home or were released into the United States.

The inflow of pregnant migrants in the first quarter of 2018 has jumped to 292 women, up by one-third over 2017 numbers, says a July 13 letter from four Democrat Senators to the Inspector General at DHS who asked for an investigation of the agency’s practices.



  1. Of course they do, and not for humanitarian reasons. They THINK that, since the child will be born a citizen, he or she will vote democrat when they're old enough.
    The MSM wants you to think it's because they care about illegal immigrants. That's BS

  2. Make sure they are 'released' so that the child is NOT born in this country!

  3. Maybe the democrats can support them too then

  4. For every birth of an anchor baby, multiple votes for Dems.


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