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Monday, August 27, 2018

Democrats 'pro-choice' on abortion? Not a chance

You could say Sens. Joe Manchin and Joe Donnelly faced a tough choice on Thursday’s vote about taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood, America's largest abortion provider. But for Democrats, there is no choice on abortion anymore. You simply do what the abortion lobby tells you to do.

Every Democrat voted against Sen. Rand Paul’s amendment to end federal funding of Planned Parenthood, which as Paul explains, “ends the lives of 320,000 babies every year. That’s about 900 babies every day.”

That's also one out of every three abortions performed in the United States each year.

The abortion giant, funded by liberal elites who share its dedication to thinning the population of “unwanted” babies, rakes in more than $400 million of your money every year. The official line is that none of that $400 million pays for any of those 320,000 abortions. But the fungibility of money makes this one of the most obvious and odious pieces of political casuistry. Federal dollars force all taxpayers to keep afloat a business, the core purposes of which are to abort unborn people and lobby Washington to pay the people who do it.



  1. We've been suckers for so long. It's time to stop being suckers.

  2. I still don't understand how a woman can be in control of her health and reproductive rights when she has to chose a thousand dollar abortion(who knows what damage that may cause later on) over making a man wear a dollar condom. Sounds to me like there are a lot of really stupid women in this world.

  3. What happened to nuance, when did we all become dittoing parrot automitons?

    I support a women's bodily autonomy.

    I personally don't like abortion, but I support someone else having the right to choose what happens to their body.

    I also oppose the government funding planned parenthood.

    How about if you don't believe in abortion rights, then you don't have one?


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