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Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Democrats become socialists, so let's look at the costs

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., used to stand at the left extreme of the Democratic Party. Now he's in the middle.

After the primary victories by Ben Jealous in Maryland, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in New York, some Democrats understandably feel a growing need to deny the obvious truth that the party is becoming socialist. Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi, two far-left senior congresswomen from California, both recently denied that theirs is a socialist party. But that’s becoming a hard fiction to uphold. And the two of them are indistinguishable from standard socialists elsewhere in the world.

Ocasio-Cortez and many Democratic nominees around the country are literally from the ranks of the Democratic Socialists of America. These are brass-knuckle radicals who want class warfare and to constrict individual freedom in order to create their heaven on Earth.

They are gaining control over a major political party.

Go back just two years, to the Sanders-vs.-Hillary Clinton primary to see how things have moved..

1 comment:

  1. Dave T: As I've said before, there is barely anything left of the real Democratic party. What remains are hardcore socialists. But history shows this was a problem for the left going back all the way to the 40s. And if they ever get to control the government again, it will be ruined for good. We are still struggling to overcome the damage caused by Barrack "Obozo" Obama and his corrupt following.


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