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Friday, August 17, 2018

Democrat judge sends dangerous jihadists back into our midst

New Mexico state judge Sarah Backus on Monday released five Islamic radicals on a $20,000 “signature bond,” which requires no payment. The decision came as a shock, given what local law enforcement had discovered.

At a ramshackle compound near the Colorado state line, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, 39, Lucas Morton, 40, Jany Leveille, 35, Hujrah Wahhaj, 38, and Subhanah Wahhaj, 35, trained 11 children to use firearms and attack schools. The compound had been under surveillance but police only launched a raid when one of the children texted that they were all in need of food and water.

Police found rifles, handguns and ammunition and a shooting range. In a tunnel leading outside the compound they found the remains of a boy later identified as Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj. According to his mother, he took medicine for seizures but the Islamic radicals thought he was possessed by evil spirits. Prosecutor John Lovelace told reporters that the child died during one of the rituals.

As Rod Steiger said in In the Heat of the Night, they had the body, which was dead. Yet prosecutors only charged the five Muslim militants with child abuse. Locals had to wonder, given the connections of the dead boy’s father.

Siraj Ibn Wahhaj is the son of Imam Siraj Wajjai, an unindicted co-conspirator in the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993. The Imam, a former CAIR advisor, offered prayer at a Democratic National Convention event in 2012. The elder Wahhaj is also close to Linda Sarsour, who urges Muslims to wage jihad against the Trump administration. For New Mexico officials, activities at the compound were reason enough to suspect the Muslims of training the children for terrorist attacks.



  1. Afraid of a repeat of Waco?

  2. Dave T: The Pinnacle of incompetence

  3. Repeat Waco? The differences between this scenario and Waco are so different, it's not worth explaining to an idiot. Also, David Keresh was not concocting terror plots. Waco was a big FBI F#ck up.

  4. For sure their on government assistance while planning to assault us.

  5. Weren't they squatting on an American citizen's land?

  6. He was training Muslim kids to do a school shooting then DemocRATS will BLAME GUN .
    Paid for by George Soros.

  7. Need to strip their welfare benefits from them.

  8. Judges are afraid of them !


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