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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Dem Rep Green: Trump Doesn't Need to Commit a Crime to Be Impeached — 218 House Members Decide

Thursday on “Democracy Now,” Rep. Al Green (D-TX) said President Donald Trump could be impeached without having committed a crime.

Green said, “This is a very sad time in the history of our country. This is not something that I enjoy talking about, nor is it something that I would like to do. But I think it’s becoming increasingly clear that the president will have two options: One, he can resign from office, or, two, he can face impeachment. Impeachment is something that the Framers of the Constitution provided for a time such as this and a president such as Trump. The president does not have to commit a crime to be impeached. In fact, the president is not likely to be indicted, which means he’s not likely to be found guilty of a crime while he’s sitting, which means that if this comes before the House, it won’t come before the House as a president who has been found guilty, but rather as a president who is alleged to have committed certain offenses that are onerous to the Constitution and that harm society. And what this president is doing is harming society.”



  1. Trump's impeachable offense is....hmmmm.....they just don't like him....

  2. I that the same Dem that said Guam was going to flip over if the US sent any more Marines there?

  3. The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

    I think a certain congressman should be removed from office for general stupidity.

  4. Democrats are truly a$$hats.

  5. High Tweets and misdemeanors


  6. Congress critter Green has been drinking at the WWTP again and is full of it right to the top of his brown eyes. But his constituents are clueless as proven by voting for him.

    8:44 laid it out succinctly from that ancient document we call the Constitution.

  7. As Clint Eastwood said

    GO AHEAD , Make my day Punk

    you basement Melanial Democrats will start a War with America that you will not forget

    by messing with our President Trump

  8. liberal idiots don`t realize that if they get rid of trump pence will be president, pence makes trump look like a radical liberal.

  9. Green said the same thing about a year ago. He's got nothing but hot air.

  10. Trump. Best president ever. I'm much better off today then the past 9 years thats a fact.

  11. Clintons biggest offense was getting a blowjob in the white house. This president, this administration is corrupt to the bone and we are all the marks of the game. History will show who is right and who is wrong.

  12. Democrats funded the roads you all drive on, Let that sink in..

  13. All impeachment would mean is that he would join Bill Clinton in the history books. Impeachment did not remove Bill Clinton from office, and Impeachment will not remove Donald Trump from office. Bad for the country, because impeachment proceedings are all politics, and Congress cannot function while proceedings go on. The country loses during the whole process. That's what the Dems WANT, and are obsessed with. Its sad they can't be Americans for America. Dems have become the Anti-Americans. Someday, its going to be the big coastal cities against the rest of America. That why they want to disarm the rest of the country, even while all the big crime stats are currently coming from the big cities where they have already disarmed all the law abiding citizens. Keep them locked and loaded folks, and never let them know where you keep them. As things are now, you never know when you will be called to defend your country from the violent socialist movement that has become the Democrat party.

  14. Democrats funded the roads you all drive on, Let that sink in..

    August 29, 2018 at 4:02 PM

    No, our taxes funded the roads we drive on. You are an idiot low info voter. Please stop voting.


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