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Thursday, August 23, 2018

Cynthia Nixon sounds confused by her own 'universal rent control' plan

Cynthia Nixon may be an accomplished actress, but she apparently has a big problem handling material that’s not included in her script.

In Brooklyn on Thursday, the gubernatorial candidate and her running-mate, City Councilman Jumaane Williams, tried to tout “universal rent control,” a pet proposal of their party’s rising socialist wing.

But when reporters asked just what that policy means and how it would be enacted, the pair found themselves in over their heads trying to explain.

In fact, Nixon couldn’t offer much of anything in the way of details — or, more important, cost figures: Asked how much rent increases would be limited to under her plan, she replied: “Well . . . it depends on what would be passed in that cycle.”

Williams wasn’t much help, either — and he’s a veteran tenant activist. But he offered assurances that “it’s a very good concept.”


1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth Warren continues to make a fool of herself as well.


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