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Monday, August 06, 2018

Climate Change Activist: Extreme Weather Is Sexist, Targets Women and Girls

A media foundation is reporting that climate change discriminates against females in an article posted on its website with the headline “Sexist climate change? Women and girls hit hardest by extreme weather.”

The Thomson Reuters Foundation reported:

"In parts of the world where grave gender inequality is already stark, freak weather events mean women and girls are often among the last to receive help.

"Climate projections about rising sea levels and soaring temperatures increasingly dominate global headlines, but one climate story that rarely gets told is the tale of how women and girls are hit hardest by extreme weather and shocks."

Advocates, the article argues, can’t get women and girls ready to fight climate change because of other cultural challenges.

More here

[You can't make this stuff up. --Editor]


  1. I Love it good stuff this is better than watching CNN. I can't believe this is real but I do

  2. Life was so much simpler when there were actually editors with a lick of sense working in the MSM.

  3. Don't forget the fetuses.

  4. Disasters of any sort always have effected the bottom of the social hierarchy to a greater degree than the top. In third world countries the women and children are at the bottom. So, no surprise the women and children are effected more by climate change. But blaming climate change on sexism is like blaming daylight on racism (because it's not black)!

  5. You can't make these things up!


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