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Thursday, August 30, 2018

As Land Confiscations Loom, South Africa Rules 300,000 Gun-Owners Turn Over Their Weapons

South Africa is opening the door for tyranny.

The Constitutional Court of South Africa recently ruled that 300,000 gun owners must turn in their firearms.

This judgement came in response to the North Gauteng High Court’s ruling in 2017 which said Section 24 and Section 28 of the Firearm’s Control Act were unconstitutional.

A report from The Citizen explains what Section 24 and Section 28 entail:

“Section 24 of the Act requires that any person who seeks to renew a licence must do so 90 days before its expiry date Section 28 stipulates that if a firearm licence has been cancelled‚ the firearm must be disposed of or forfeited to the state. A 60-day time frame was placed on its disposal, which was to be done through a dealer.”

Now that the High Court’s initial ruling has been overturned, gun owners who failed to renew their firearms licenses must hand in their firearms to the nearest police station, where authorities will then proceed to destroy them.

Many naïve political observers will paint this event as a casual gun control scheme, but any astute student of politics will recognize that the floodgates are now open for further encroachments – not only on the gun rights of South Africans, but also on others facets of theirs lives.

A look at South Africa’s current political climate will give us an idea of the potential ramifications of this gun control scheme.
Political Trouble Brewing in South Africa?

Though South Africa witnessed rising levels of economic freedom shortly after Apartheid ended in 1994, the country has taken a more interventionist path to economic development in recent years.



  1. 300,000 idiots. Soon to be dead idiots.

  2. huh.


    Let's all turn our weapons in across the world to dictators and communists.

    What's the worse that can happen?

  3. One of the first steps taken by tyrants is the confiscation of weapons. Ask Hitler...

    1. Mussolini and Mao both as well!

  4. Machete and illegal gun owners need not take notice.

  5. All this sounds just like what the jews went thru with the NAZI. Any white person with any sense at all should get the hell out now befor it's too late. Salvage any wealth they can and if they can't just get the hell out now, because if they don't they along with their entire family will be killed.

  6. If they impeach Trump , you will see the same , lock and load people it's going to get nasty in America. I'm Irish American not African America.


  7. Genocide to begin in 5,4,3,...

  8. This is why liberals want to take your guns away. This is also the reason the second amendment is so important. Never forget this its 2018 and governments will kill there own people

  9. Time for all gun owners to sneak to the Capitol and surround it. Then, march right on in sniggering as they go.

  10. 8:11 is getting the idea. It's spreading, too.
    They don't have enough men or weapons to stop "we, the people" from marching each and every one of those lying, conniving, cheating, stealing, back room dealing, self-enriching, two-faced, double-dealing, underhanded, alcoholic, inside trading CAREER pedophiles (forgive me for leaving so many of their other traits off the list) out into the street and, one by one, hang them on TV.
    Make their families watch so they may get an idea of what THEIR families did to America. Rerun the footage each Monday night for 5 years.
    WE'll need to make sure their aren't any people left that think being a member of Congress is the road to riches or is something that they can do for 40-60 years.
    Our republic has been high-jacked by robber barons, Two Sets of Laws operators and proponents, wanna-be Nazi's, and a host of storm troopers willing to kill to keep the above noted politicians in power.
    We will need a lot of rope.
    Until then, keep up your inane cheering.

    1. You ever heard the loudest person is always the coward?

    You KNOW he's a bad dude....a REAL man.

  12. When a government does this, your freedom is about to end. Time for revolution.


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