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Saturday, August 04, 2018

Antifa 'Fight Instructors' Teach Activists How to Inflict Pain on Their Targets

A new undercover video from James O'Keefe's Project Veritas features Antifa “fight instructors” teaching activists how to incapacitate political enemies by violently attacking them.

"If you get a good liver or kidney shot, it's pretty much crippling them," the Antifa instructor said. "They're going to be pretty much doubled over and in a lot of pain."

The instructor also recommended breaking one of the floating ribs to cause maximum pain on a victim. "It's hard to move after that -- to catch a breath," he added helpfully. He told the activists that once the target is incapacitated, they can either run away or "really put a beating on them" if they want to "make it personal."

The instructor said if they don't knock the victim out, they should punch him in the nose or poke him in the eyes.

The video also introduces Andy Zee, an organizer for Refuse Fascism, a project of the Revolutionary Communist Party, talking about a possible meet-up with Democrat donor Tom Steyer.



  1. Yea that will hurt or deter most people.


    Get close enough to me to try and break my nose, floating rib etc and it will surely mean that you end up missing an eye, teeth and broken bones.

    Not every one is willing to be a victim. Many of us enjoy combat sports. FOR FUN.

    Bring leftist POS.

  2. These lame Antifa's get their tails kicked all the time. People who've never been in a fight in their entire lives, the type of people that'll tuck in their thumb when they throw a punch. LOL

  3. Is there a course he can teach to prevent a 9mm round from entering the body from a CCW holder after they try to "incapacitate" me?


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