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Monday, August 06, 2018

Alabama Minister Smacked Down Over Meeting With Trump

An Alabama minister Friday defended his decision to meet with President Donald Trump and asked that he and other black faith leaders not be attacked for working with the president to help the nation.

Van Moody, founding pastor of The Worship Center Christian Church in Birmingham, Alabama, was one of a group of inner-city faith leaders to speak with the president at the White House Wednesday to talk about the church and its role in building up the community, especially with prison reform and workforce development for former prisoners.

"I did receive a tremendous amount of blow-back, a lot of name calling," Moody told Fox News' Laura Ingraham on "The Ingraham Angle." "A number of individuals that have been a part of a number of things that I've done, books that I've written, conferences and other ministry opportunities have said that they're leaving and many people expressed a lot of anger and frustration because I was there but also because one of the comments that I made I think was misunderstood and taken out of context when I thanked President Trump for him having a heart for all people as it relates to this issue of prison reform and workforce development."

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  1. Bless you for reaching out to Trump. I have all confidence that my President, who ran on an "I love You and the USA" platform might be of benefit to you on this.

  2. President Trump wants to help ALL American people but some people aren't smart enough to see that.


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