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Sunday, July 22, 2018

Wicomico Proposes Vacant Facility House New Drug Rehab Center

SALISBURY – Officials in Wicomico County are looking to partner with the state and other county agencies to open a drug rehabilitation center at a vacant correctional facility off Nanticoke Road in Quantico.

County Executive Bob Culver, Health Officer Lori Brewster and county staff came before the Wicomico County Council in a work session on Tuesday to present a plan to convert the shuttered Poplar Hill Pre-Release Unit into a long-term drug rehabilitation center.

Culver told the council Wicomico County residents voiced the need for more immediate and long-term treatment facilities in recent community meetings on the opioid epidemic. From that feedback, Culver said he approached the state secretary of corrections with the idea of utilizing the vacant Poplar Hill correctional building for a rehabilitation program.

“He felt that there was no way they would ever move anybody back into that facility,” he said. “The prison population has actually gone down by about 6,000 people over the last few years or so. With that, we started talking about converting Poplar Hill into a treatment center that would give longer term care to people.”



  1. Polar Hill Pre Release Unit would be a good site?

  2. Ru off ur rocker .

  3. It's a concept that is sorely needed on the Shore, drug addiction being what it is. A plus for the community is that it's not located in a business or residential area.

  4. No no no
    I don't want this in my backyard a place where these people go on a 30 days vacation stop cowering to these people.

    1. Compassion? Wow these people are our family and love ones. It’s far from vacation . Sit on ur throne and judge. The world needs more hate. Nice post

    2. I agree put it right in downtown Salisbury maybe build it on the parking lot or the old firehouse huh ??

    3. No! Put it in Dirt doc's backyard!!

  5. And don't forget that there is the building that use to be the youth jail by the airport.

    1. That was a giant waste of money!

    2. You're missing the point. It's vacant and more isolated and could generate revenue.

  6. This is great and exactly what the area needs. This is great for Bob Culver and Wicomico Health Dept!

  7. No this is not great. I will just be another burden on the taxpayers of Wicomico County. It's a state facility that wants to dump it off on Wicomico County

  8. If this is put together well, with decent residential staff and security, then the $$ is the question. Who pays what?

  9. Well run and effective drug rehab is no vacation.

    1. Bs
      They knew at one time what they were putting in there arm so I have Zero Sympathy for them post your address and we will build it in your backyard ? I bet your attitude would change ? Hypocrite.

  10. This should be a private company and not a county run facility. Citizen do not need to be on the hook trying to pay for this.

  11. How about making one side of Jake days floor a half way house ? Since he the other side is FULL of HALFWITS.

    1. Snowflakes and junkies perfect match lol.

  12. If it is run like that thing out there by Deer's Head, NO, however, it if is run by competent people and run right then yes, go for it.

    1. Starts out good then the cutbacks come in then it's a nightmare plus I DI NOT want my Tax dollars going up to pay for it .
      Send them over the BRIDGE.

  13. I noticed some of these Trolls are hijacking threads over on the EBT Blog and making the same exact comments hoping that the EBT Blogger will be making a negative post about this and Bob.

  14. Shame on SHA James Meridith.

  15. I love the comments about how this facility would be as bad as ECI. What a bunch of Idiots!

    To these same Idiots who want to point a finger at County Executive bob Culver I have this to say.

    If your Right Hand to God Mike Lewis and Barbara Duncan would do their damn jobs and actually arrested the dealers and king pins, (outside of once every 4 years) we wouldn't have a heroin problem in the County.

    Because crime continues to rise and no fingers get pointed at these leaders, well, it means a facility like this is absolutely necessary.

    Mike Lewis can open his cocky mouth and degrade other law enforcement leaders on Fox News but let me assure you, the man does NOT impress me. He's a BS artist who can talk his way out of anything. He needs to sell used cars and get off the taxpayers payroll. Nothing but a photo op figure head.

    Yeah, I know many of you will rag on me for being HONEST but I'm OK with that. I'm not a follower, never have been. The Eastern Shore desperately needs a facility like this and I truly commend Culver for wiping Sheriff Lewis' A$$. Oh, that's right, if crime goes down Mike can't get more officers and funding for his new castle and suv.

    Hey Mike, expose the crime statistics in Wicomico County since you've been Sheriff, vs. Hunter Nelms record. Oh, that's right, you keep covering that up too. Crime in Wicomico County is through the roof people, through the roof.

    1. True I Never hear of any mass raids in the county and they Know were they are same as spd we're is the crack down in drug ridden areas ? They don't want to arrest their voters.

    2. Lay blame where it should fall. The addicts are just as bad if not worse then the dealers. I see these snow flakes spoiled, dnt want to work, entitled, ungrateful purging off the system blaming their parents most who gave them the world ruining them selves and society. Blame your federal govt. That shh is imported and spread to poison. Nothing new

  16. Mike needs to let the police stuff go back on the channels so we can see what is happening in the area in real time on the c.b. site.

  17. Ask Sheree Samples how many drug raids have been done in her area ?

    1. I never here from little Mikey anymore is he still Sheriff ?????? Joe you should run against this Awipe he and his Upper management BROWN NOSES are absolutely Useless were are the drug raids were are the undercover stings where are the buy n busts we're are car stops Cricketssssssss

  18. 4:58, Oh hell no! The Deputies deserve a leader with wisdom and respect. Mike is the "I" in TEAM. Wait, did I say that right, yes I did. It's very clear, the more crime, the more money and toys. It's the VOTERS who need to hold photo op Mike accountable. Yes, a very likable guy, no one can deny that but that's all he is. He talks like a playground bully and I seem to be the ONLY man on the entire Shore that is willing to call him out. Yes, he is now hiding behind the curtain because IF YOU and everyone actually open your eyes you'll see Mike isn't doing jack for Wicomico County. For me personally, I couldn't take a job where I couldn't advance whatever I'm doing. Mike is simply a figure head who gets all the toys and buildings he wants because he's a likable guy. The local media are a bunch of pussy hats who are afraid to ever challenge Mike in any way, shape or form. It's very simple, crime is through the roof. When one of my buildings gets broken into it takes upwards of an hour for them to respond. Trust me, I'm not the only one with that problem BUT NO ONE will stand up to the BS citizens and businesses have to deal with at the WCSO. Where's the king pins Mike? Where's the major drug busts, like we see in Delaware every single day? Like I said earlier, the Deputies deserve a leader who wants to STOP CRIME. Not Mike, he wants to money and toys.

  19. How about Wicomico County sue the pharmaceutical companies that pushed these drugs to hospitals, pharmacies, and doctors. THEY created the problem! They should be rotting in jail!

    1. Right!!! And start hooking kids young to sedate their "mental" health issues.

    2. Ohhh please "Autism'

  20. I have a friend who recently worked at the sheriff's office as a radio operator and quit because the people there laughed and joked when a call came in and took 20 or 30 min. to get up off their butt to answer a call. It really upset this individual he/she gave up a job that was really needed. The place is totally disorganized. The sheriff's office is a total joke and needs a serious house cleaning starting at the top. This is fact not a bunch of sour grapes BS.

    1. Won't happen as long as the idiot good ole Boys keep on voting in Michelle Lewis and tell your friend to go on video Disguised on SBYNEWS and allow Joe to post it.

  21. A well run residential center with the needed support services would be wonderful for both facility residents and the community. It would be a release valve for neighborhoods where slumlords are setting up makeshift illegal residential homes and warehousing people, making recovery even more challenging... and laughing all the way to the bank. I hope that we figure out a way to do this well. The cost of running a good facility pales in comparison to what’s currently being spent on disastrous results.

  22. For whatever reason I thought they would suggest the empty buildings and wasted space over at the Holly Center..

  23. I want it right at the Old Firehouse or on Fake days floor.

    1. I agree put it in the govt building let the junkies get Jake and his Snowflakes coffee.

    2. I think this is a great idea! Long term drug rehabilitation not ten days and your out. Throw the cartels in jail and dealers but the abusers that is not the answer. They get more drugs in jail serve their time and right back on the street. Not a choice they have to serve time just as they would in jail. Program should be at least a year. In the process teach them skills, help with resumes and the interview process. Some want help but even those that don’t should have to do their time and hopefully they will want to turn their lives around eventually. Arresting , putting in jail and releasing is a vicious cycle with poor results.

  24. Joe--you should do a piece on the "Justice Reinvestment Act"...this new law is PART of the problem...lesser sentences for drug crimes, nothing happens to people that use while on probation or parole-the state fudging numbers to make statistics look good...its BS

    1. This was done under Obama Trump needs to remove it.

  25. Funny how the "Not in my backyard" neighbors seem to be bitching already.

    Look, neighbors, this is better than the criminal thugs that were prisoners. These are not prisoners and may be family members of yours.

    1. Post your backyard address ? Hypocrite.

  26. I would much rather have the addicts in a facility in my backyard versus then roaming the streets stealing, committing crimes to support their habit. Has anyone thought about this issue... the increase of pregnant mothers who are addicted? A person who is addicted becomes self absorbed and thinks only of their next fix. These mothers are having babies who are born addicted and they are allowed to take them home without any consequences. A baby that is born addicted is in pain as it goes through withdrawal. They are given morphine to help ease the pain. You can tell by their cries the pain they are going through. Lots of these babies are premature too. Taking care of a newborn is a lot of responsibility and exhausting at times. A drug addicted baby is more difficult to care for and we are allowing mother’s who are addicted to walk out of the hospital and expect them to be responsible enough to take care of this infant. This child already has strikes against it and there could be permanent damage from the drug use. What an awful way to start your life and these children are our future. They are being treated like a piece of property instead of a human being without a voice or rights. They are much more susceptible to neglect and abuse. I feel it should be mandatory that mother and baby go to a rehab facility. This may sound harsh but if the mother doesn’t clean up her act and resorts back to drug use after completing the program the baby goes up for adoption. This child deserves a chance. It didn’t ask to be brought into this world and certainly not under these conditions.


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