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Friday, July 06, 2018

Waters Deserves Censure for ‘Inciting Mob Violence,’ Fitton Says

House members should “reprimand” or “consider expelling” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) for “inciting mob violence” against members of President Donald Trump’s administration, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said Thursday on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends.”

“The No. 1 House ethics rule is that you’ve got to act in a way that reflects creditably on the House at all times,” Fitton said. “And when you’re out there … inciting mob violence against sitting Trump Cabinet members, that doesn’t obviously reflect credibly on the House.”

Waters faced a bipartisan backlash after she called upon her supporters in late June to harass and publicly confront Trump administration members.

“If you see anybody from that [Trump] Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” she said.

The congresswoman doubled down on her calls for confrontation during an MSNBC interview.

More here


  1. Can't happen she is black
    you would be racist or picking on her

  2. Censure my ass! She should be charged with a crime! Start locking up these Democrat assholes!

  3. So typical though. She was in a group and they can not be in groups. They prove this time and time again. They have no control over themselves ever. When they get in mobs they are likely to do and say anything. They refer to themselves as African Americans and Waters' African is coming out in her. The tribal instinct and the call for lawlessness and violence just as in Africa.

  4. It makes me wonder how much dirt she has on her fellow Democrats.


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