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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

WATCH: Power-Tripping Cop Attacks Innocent Man, Showing Us Everything Wrong with Police

A power-tripping police officer unlawfully detained, assaulted, threatened, and accosted an innocent railroad worker who would later report the incident only to watch the department cover it up.

Walnut Ridge, AR — With great power comes great responsibility, or so the quote goes. However, those who wield this great power over the public are often the ones who irresponsibly abuse this authority to inflict harm and oppress those they ostensibly protect. As the video below illustrates, this abuse of authority by power-tripping police officers lays waste to rights, puts innocent people in harm’s way, and is the antithesis to a free society.

The taxpayers of Walnut Ridge, Arkansas will soon be held accountable for the actions of their public servants as a lawsuit has been filed in response to infuriating tyranny caught on video. The incident began as a traffic stop and quickly escalated into an unlawful detention, assault, deprivation of rights and, eventually, conspiracy.

The victim in the video below, Adam Finley had done nothing wrong and had committed no crime when he was targeted by officer Matthew Mercado in December of 2016. Finley was simply on his way to work when Mercado pulled him over because he had out of state plates.

According to officer Mercado, having out of state plates was reasonable suspicion to harass and eventually attack and assault an innocent man.

As NEA reports, at the beginning of the stop, Mercado asked Finley why he was working on the railroad crossing. Finley was in an unmarked white work truck but had all of his work equipment on including an orange work coat and badge. The BNSF employee explained he worked for the railroad. This is when the lawsuit says Mercado took issue with Finley’s attitude and asked him to step out of the vehicle.



  1. It’s the characteristic of most police officers. Most our power hungry.

  2. WOW I am pro cop but that guy's a dirtbag.

  3. The Walnut Ridge Police Department has blocked its Facebook account from view.

  4. Remember folks, it is all for the children!!!!

  5. Been there done that, I used to drive a truck. You should've dealt with cops when you were 1000 miles from home and no such thing as a video camera, or cell phone. It was fun!

  6. This is one of the reasons that people hate cops.

  7. This is in every profession. I had a backstabbing power trippin co worker that acted like this.

  8. This is such fake news. My good friend Jamaad Gould and his Antifa/BLM comrades assures me that the cops never pull over nonblack persons. And if by accident they do, the cop does not ask for a driver's license. They ask to see your super secret "white privilege get out of traffic stops free" card and promptly send the motorist on his way with a smile and a handshake.

  9. 527
    Did your co-worker wear a gun and have the power to arrest you and take possession of your body?

  10. Anonymous said...
    Been there done that, I used to drive a truck. You should've dealt with cops when you were 1000 miles from home and no such thing as a video camera, or cell phone. It was fun!
    July 11, 2018 at 3:10 PM

    I know exactly what you mean. I used to drive also and every now and again I would run across one of these dirtbag cops, even a cadet once at an Md. scale house. They know they screw with you and your CDL and therefore your livelihood.

    The "fun" went out of driving after six months on the job. Most everyone connected with trucking is corrupt, dishonest, and every bad thing you can think of from the dispatchers to the shippers/receivers, especially on the shore. Good ole boy network that will crap on you if you don't do things their way, including breaking laws. So glad I'm out of it now. Just look at the drivers out there now. Dumb kids and lowlifes. Well, that would apply to everyone involved in trucking.

  11. Bet that cop is a vet with PTSD. Acts just like a former co-worker.

  12. I bet he's about 5 ft 7 in.

    1. And with a flat top haircut, too.


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