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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Voters in Key Swing District Reject 'Abolish ICE' Push

'This is just noise to try to get attention'

It's a typically mild, bright, and cloudless Fourth of July in this beachside swing Congressional district just a thirty-minute drive north of the San Diego border.

Relaxed customers amble into a grocery store, some with children and dogs in tow, to gather last-minute items for their patriotic festivities.

Most are not eager or willing to stop and talk about one of the most divisive political topics of the day—a new push by some Democrats to abolish U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the federal government agency known as ICE.

Those who do stop to chat say they disagree with the rhetoric coming from liberal protesters and left-wing Democratic lawmakers and candidates demonizing the federal agency charged with detaining and deporting illegal immigrants.


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