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Friday, July 06, 2018

Veteran Amputee Kirstie Ennis Poses as Pin-Up for Good Cause

Marine Corps veteran Kirstie Ennis’s helicopter crashed in Afghanistan in 2012, leaving her with an above-the-knee amputation, a broken neck, and facial reconstruction. Since then, she added competitive snowboarder and mountain climber to her accomplishments, and recently, she added pin-up model.

Ennis is currently climbing the tallest peak in North America — Denali in Alaska — and has already summited Mount Kilimanjaro.

She is the first female veteran amputee to pose for Pin-Ups for Vets, an award-winning non-profit that raises funding for VA hospitals, ill and injured veterans, homeless veterans, deployed troops, and military spouses.

Pin-Ups for Vets just released its 2019 calendar, featuring Ennis and 18 other female veterans:


  1. She could bark a few orders at me.

  2. Adorable, but obviously a woman of substance. The calendar is tastefully done and a lovely tribute to women veterans everywhere.

  3. great way to help vets. They have other products including same nice clocks.


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