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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The Immigration Scandal No One Is Talking About

Among the least talked about scandals in Washington is how immigration officials spent decades misleading Congress about the number of migrants evading court. I discussed that scandal at length in my last article.

In advancing this decadeslong effort, no accounting trick and no false narrative was out of bounds. Never in any year did these officials tell the real story of a court system in crisis. Brave rhetoric and bleached numbers consistently camouflaged the courts’ disarray.

“The fight against terrorism,” the Bush and Obama administrations boldly declared from 2005 through 2012, “is the first and overriding priority of the Department of Justice. … A key component of this effort is the securing of our nation’s borders and the repair of the immigration system as a whole. The application and enforcement of our immigration laws remain a critical element of this national effort.”



  1. The ICE agents I know all say that the "10-12 million" statistic usually spouted about how many are illegally here is total BS...it is likely at least TRIPLE that number....wake up America!!!

  2. I just do not understand what it is about the immigration system that is broken that these fools keep running their mouth about. It works for everyone who comes here LEGALLY.


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