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Friday, July 06, 2018

Thank God Its Friday 7-6-18

What will you be doing this weekend?


  1. Praying for all involved in Tham Luang Cave, safety for all.

    Praying for the POTUS, that is involved with unwarranted opposition. He is delivering us great justice (no pun) for this country and having a ball while on the job. The resistance continues to fail like the fat "lady" did. It's a great time to be in America!

  2. I too pray for POTUS. He is the best president we have had in my lifetime (I'm in my fifties). He is fighting the corruption that has plagued our government. So many Americans suffering for the lies generated by the corrupt for their own gain.

  3. Enjoying a DELMARVELOUS weekend.....steamed crabs and cold beer!!! Shorebilly vacation, glad to be a DEPLORABLE!!! TRUMP 2020

  4. Is it too early for a beer?

  5. Weather front coming through today, looks like high 70's Sat/Sun here on the shore. Going to relax today, continue to drink and watch those gray sky's to the west move our way. Hell to the no about considering going to the boardwalk tonight to people watch. Maybe Saturday??

    Safe weekend to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. It's 5 o'clock somewhere!!! NEVER too early for an ice cold beer!

  7. Painting orange bikes black.


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