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Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Teacher Unions Across America Face Uncertain Future After Supreme Court Decision

Teacher unions across the country face an uncertain future after the Supreme Court’s decision not to force workers to pay mandatory fees to cover union collecting bargaining costs.

The Janus v. AFSCME 31 case dealt with Mark Janus, an Illinois state worker, arguing that the state violated his First Amendment rights by making him pay agency fees to a union because he did not want to join it. Janus believed paying agency fees forced him to speak through the union.

“This is a fundamental defeat for unions. There’s no sugar-coating it; this is a huge defeat,” Nat Malkus, deputy director of education policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute, told The Daily Caller.

The Court’s case 5-4 decision on Wednesday to overturn a 41-year-old precedent said non-union member’s free speech rights were violated “by compelling them to subsidize private speech on matters of substantial public concern.”



  1. Democratic Party campaign money will be cut as a result, unions being of their biggest contributors.

  2. Many Worcester county teachers never wanted to pay but were forced to, even after the shop steward embezzled funds.

  3. Always been a Liberal, Socialist Union

  4. This is just the beginning, time to turn union bosses into Eunuchs. Especially in education. Time to erradicate any and all forms of collectivism and communism in America. Let’s get back to unbridled free enterprise, individualism and competition in classrooms and boardrooms, construction sites and repurposed union halls! Lol MAGA

  5. Why should I pay for a union when I can float for free and still get the benefits.

  6. To 10:50
    Why should a Republican employee have to pay into a union that is totally and completely run by the Democratic party? Unions do very, very little for the members. AFSME for example is simply an organization that collects money each month for the Democratic party and the union reps get to go to Las Vegas, Orlando or another city of their choice for a seven day vacation-all expenses paid for by the union members.

    Union=slush fund for Dems.

  7. Union are just legal organized crime

  8. Unions never stood up for workers and since the 80's has been in constant decline! Waste of hard working man's earnings. Look at workers than have been abandoned by collapsed unions hundreds of thousands of dollars gone never to be paid out in supposedly union benefits....soon they will be a part of history....barely remembered!

  9. so teachers can`t just sit on their asses, get paid lots of money for doing it and have sex students, anymore? that`s just immoral. i hope they will still be able to sit on their asses all day and have sex with students at least,for the money we pay them.

  10. Unions are Socialism, pure and simple. Socialism equals democrats in this country. Get it?


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