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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Student Suspended Over Pro-Trump T-Shirt Wins in Court

In January, Liberty High School in Hillsboro, Oregon, suspended student Addison Barnes for wearing a T-shirt that read: "Donald J. Trump Border Wall Construction Co." According to The Oregonian, Barnes sued, and has won a settlement:

On Tuesday, Barnes' lawyers announced they reached a settlement with the district: Principal Greg Timmons will issue a letter of apology and the district will pay $25,000 for Barnes' attorney fees.

The school had cited racial tensions surrounding the immigration debate in the school, which is reportedly 33 percent Hispanic, as justification for suspending Barnes. They argued that the T-shirt would cause disruption, a common argument used when schools want to justify censorship.

Showing profound hypocrisy, Liberty High School had allowed students to participate in the anti-gun national walkout, March For Our Lives, without disciplinary action.



  1. Liberty High School. Their policy was to grant liberty to some but not to others. Maybe they've learned a lesson. Chances are that they'll find a way around it, like clamping down on any and all political expression but, wink-wink, going easier on the Liberals.

  2. I love to get one of these shirts..

    Does anyone have any ideas for getting one?

  3. "They argued that the T-shirt would cause disruption,. . . ". Well if the damn illegals were not here in the first place, there would be NO disruption. Plus, what right do they have to be disruptive? He is a citizen and they cater to the non citizens? Must be democrats who are in charge of THAT school. And it should be a public apology, along with the letter.

  4. @ July 26, 2018 at 7:20 PM. Search online. There are several places that sell it. I'm getting one. Will wear it in the mall on Sunday when it is full of illegals.


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