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Tuesday, July 03, 2018

South Koreans Revolt Against Arrival of Muslim Refugees

Over half a million sign petition saying they don’t want to be like the UK or Germany

South Koreans are revolting against the arrival of Muslim refugees, with over half a million signing a petition asserting that Muslim migrants don’t integrate and that they don’t want their country to end up like the UK or Germany.

The controversy began when an influx of nearly 1,000 asylum seekers from Yemen arrived on the South Korean resort island of Jeju. They took advantage of a new visa waiver program that allowed people from 186 countries to visit the island without a tourist visa.

This led to 950 foreign nationals, the majority from Yemen, arriving as tourists under a one month permit but then immediately claiming asylum, a process that can take years while they remain in the country.

“And local people here are worried,” said Hank Kim, owner of the Core Travel Agency. “We have all read about the problems that immigrants have caused in Europe — in Germany and France in particular — and we do not want that to happen here.”



  1. Dave T: Great job South Korea !

  2. As well they should. What did they do to garner other countries challenges?

    Same applies to the ash/trash that come over from the other side of the bridge wanting to prey on our resort town! I know I know, same town that has the availability of alcohol practically on ever street corner. That double edged sword does hurt each/every year!

    At least we built our WALL...for $7M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Of course the former Yemenis will completely assimilate into Korean culture and bring goodness to it.

  4. South Koreans,
    Welcome to the New World Order brought to you by the same bankers who financed the Korean War. Yes, they are still pillaging and plundering and creating havoc all over the globe. Get used to it.

  5. America take note!

  6. Here is something to consider.

    When most of our ancestors came to this country they were good people looking for a new life and they assimilate into the American culture and became Americans.

    These people are not assimilating. They are coming over here with anticipation of taking over America. They hate Americans and they plan to make this a Muslim country. Think about it. All it takes is 20 yeas to take over a nation. If each Muslim has a dozen kids they can vote at 18 and those numbers add up. Look what they are doing to Minnesota and Michigan. They are taking it over 1 town at a time.

    Look at all the Mexicans coming to this country. They are not assimilating either. We are paying to have Spanish interpreters and everything is being printed in English and Spanish.

    We shouldn't have to change to accommodate them. We shouldn't have to fork out billions in Welfare benefits.

    Has anyone noticed that many of the shows on ABC, NBC, CBS has at least 1 Muslim as a regular star? Has anyone noticed that many of the commercials are pairing a black girl with a white guy? A lot of commercials are that way. Pay attention. And that is not reality. You see more white girls with black guys than vice versa.

  7. 4:49 Why should the Mexicans assimilate? In their view a third of the Country still belongs to them because it was stolen.

  8. Hmmmm. Does that mean South Koreans are now suddenly racist for not wanting to die and have their country taken over???

  9. The entire world needs to stand up against these muslims. ALL muslims. None of them can be trusted.

  10. @6:29 pm. NO it was not. It was fought for. There's a difference. Where do you think the mexicans got THEIR land? From the natives. They had been at war with the mexicans long before the white man came.


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