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Thursday, July 12, 2018

"Shelter In Place": All Hell Breaks Loose In Haiti As Violent Mobs Try To Murder Trapped Tourists

The US embassy in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince warned American tourists to "shelter in place" as violent demonstrations erupted across the island over a fuel price hike.

An estimated 120 Americans are believed to be staying at a Port-au-Prince hotel targeted by protesters, who attempted to bypass security and set the building ablaze. Youth groups and missionaries from an array of U.S churches are also stranded in the Caribbean nation, unable to make it safely to the airport for departure. -Fox News

The State Department notice reads: "Do not travel to the airport unless you confirmed your flight is departing," adding "Flights are cancelled today and the airport has limited food and water available. Telecommunications services, including Internet and phone lines, have been affected throughout Haiti. It may be difficult to reach people through normal communication methods."



  1. I've been to Cuba, the Middle East, Honduras and Nicaragua, I'd would never go to Haiti. Not even if being paid.

  2. Their neighbors, the Dominican Republic - maintains a constant, heavily-armed military force at the border to keep the Haitians out.
    That alone would be the first signal to Americans that Haiti is not really a nice place to visit.
    Why would ANYONE purposely go to this hell hole??

  3. Hillary can help . please call her .

  4. Why would anyone go to Haiti on vacation? It must have been a real cheap deal.

  5. Haiti was targeted by the US Military years ago with an earthquake.
    Then, the hurricane seasons over the past several years.
    The island is in big trouble.

  6. The Hatian people have a history of electing heads of their island nation who amass great wealth then flee with it leaving the nation broke!

  7. 9:39 - When's the US military going to orchestrate a volcano eruption or a meteor strike?

  8. I think Haiti was targeted by the Clinton Foundation after the earthquake.

  9. Haiti cannot manage its own affairs. It is a worn down hell hole.

  10. Any American is stupid to vacation in Haiti.

  11. The clintons own it!! They built it..and they WERE suppposed to help

  12. Just send armed guards to protect and transport the tourists to the airport. Anybody attacks, gun them down. They will get the point. Mess with the tourists and die.


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