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Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Senate Intel concludes Russia interfered in 2016 presidential election, preferred Trump over Clinton

The Senate Intelligence Committee released its summary of its review of the U.S. intelligence community's January 2017 assessment that Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

In a press release, the panel, led by Sens. Richard Burr, R-N.C., and Mark Warner, D-Va., said that the judgments in the intelligence community’s assessment “were well-supported and the tradecraft was strong.”

The Senate Intelligence Committee has been reviewing the assessment for 16 months, and Burr, the panel's chairman, said it “sees no reason to dispute the conclusions.”

The panel said it supports the assessment that Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election “represent the most recent expression of Moscow’s longstanding desire to undermine the U.S.-led liberal democratic order, but these activities demonstrated a significant escalation in directness, level of activity, and scope of effort compared to previous operations.”

Further, the Senate intelligence panel said it agrees with the finding that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the interference campaign, with the goals of “undermining public faith in the U.S. democratic process,” as well as “denigrate” Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

“[T]he IC’s [assessment] provided a range of all-source reporting to support these assessments,” said the Senate Intelligence Committee.



  1. Okay, now further qualify and quantify it. What were the activities, exactly, and how frequently were they employed, and how many people were exposed to them?

    Frankly, Hillary would have lost anyway, without their help. She has a knack for being mediocre in all things and downright rude when people discover it for themselves.

  2. Trump 2020

    Let's hope they interfere again

  3. It's been 16 months,and there is no evidence,circumstantial or hard,but we "see no reason to dispute.." ???????(instead of the cuss words)

  4. Does anyone believe for one minute that Russia and other countries haven't been interfering with our political process? Of course they do and so do we!!! What's so surprising about this???

    BTW, we really do interfere with Many countries politics and their elections. Our government uses OUR tax dollars to fund this. Are you really surprised?

    BTW again; Collusion is NOT a crime...President Trump did NOT collude, but IF he did, it's NOT a crime. Period.

    Trump 2020...

    1. Buddy, if you think collusion isn’t a crime, then I have a bridge to sell you...

  5. Hooray for the Russians! God bless them! So glad they helped, now please do it again!

  6. Said without any example or mention of any specific. Hot air is all this is. No Russian influenced my decision on who to vote for. Hillary influenced it when she called me a "Deplorable".

    Is Hillary a Russian?

  7. Russia did not tamper with voting machines, they did not create false identities and use them to cast votes, they did not physically stop anyone from getting to the polls, all of which and worse the US has done here and abroad. Russians posted fake stories to the web. What is the crime? What reasonablpy intelegent person believes whatever they read of the internet without fact checking? If anyone was swayed by a "Russian Agent's" Facebook post they could have been swayed by anything.
    If posting fake or exaggerated stories on facebook is interfering in an election we have a whole bunch of MSM members who need to be investigated.

  8. 6:17 Yes,agreed.And, we do have an abundance of evidence of laws broken,including some that may have been acts of treason,and Shillery has not been charged because...??????

  9. I'm not surprised at all that Russia didn't support her. She is a liar (the raid in Bengazi was a result of a video). A thief (the clinton foundations relief effort in Haiti). A traitor( selling 20% of our uranium reserves to Russia in exchange for excessive fees for slick willy to give a speech in Russia). Not to mention her aid to undertakers ( Seth Rich, Vince Foster etc. etc. etc. etc.). She was played by the Russians and they eventually turned on her due to a lack of respect for her as a politician and human being.

  10. The entire world and those in the gamma quadrant preferred Trump over Hillary!

    Nobody wants Hillary for president.

  11. Let's remember what Obama said about this I Never happened.


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