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Monday, July 23, 2018

Refugees From War-Torn Syria Now Fleeing New Jersey Because Of High Taxes And Violence

Syrian refugees recently placed in New Jersey are now leaving the state because of high cost of living, low quality housing, high taxes and safety concerns, NorthJersey.com reports.

At Ktuf is a Syrian refugee who arrived in the United States in the summer of 2016, and planning on leaving New Jersey for Michigan next month. Ktuf told NorthJersey.com the reason she is leaving New Jersey for Michigan: “Over there, you can dream of buying a house, but here you can’t. Costs are so high, and taxes are so high.”

Ktuf’s brother in law moved to Dearborn last month, and was able to find a home with four bedrooms, a backyard and a garage for $1,200 a month.

Mohammad Hial is one of seven Syrian refugees telling the paper they are leaving or planning on leaving New Jersey this summer. Hial left New Jersey for Michigan last week. “This state (New Jersey) is very expensive,” Hial stated.



  1. Ship em all to DC AND CALIFORNIA.

  2. They are all coming to Salisbury.

    1. For da FU## FEST that Jake Day spent our tax dollars on

  3. Since Dearborn is becoming a muslim enclave, and a separatist entity of such, he'll fit right in.
    Maybe he will attend one of the training camps the muslims have set up in the area for training people on urban assault methods.
    Google it.

    Keep cheering.

  4. Salisbury seems to have a lot to offer refugees and illegals.Where does all the money and benefits come from?

  5. Maybe we can get us like minded individuals together and buy out all of Syria. I doubt they will pay for our airfare and rent but property is cheap. That way we can be far away from the avalanche that is about to occur in this country from to many snowflakes.

  6. Try North Dakota. And then Canada.


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