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Thursday, July 05, 2018

Prominent Democrats Keep Destroying Norms To Go After Trump

Prominent Democrats have repeatedly abandoned political norms and customs in order to oppose President Donald Trump.

Trump’s presidency, and his candidacy before it, has been in large part defined by his willingness to abandon conventional political behavior when it suits him — a recurring feature in criticisms of the president. Many of his opponents, too, have trampled American political norms, even as they rush to “resist” Trump.

Democratic California Rep. Maxine Waters exemplified that tendency on Saturday when she called for liberal mobs to harass Trump administration officials who show their faces in public — a move that earned her a rare rebuke from Democratic leadership.

Waters isn’t alone in abandoning political norms to go after Trump.



  1. They Are idiots. I don't think they realize that this is what the American people want.....

  2. Anarchist finally coming out of the closet.

  3. In politics “anything “ goes.


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