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Monday, July 23, 2018

Outbreak Alert: McDonald's Salads Infected With Cyclospora Parasite

The FDA and the CDC – along with state and local officials – are investigating a multi-state outbreak of cyclosporiasis illness linked to salads from McDonald’s restaurants.

So far, the reported number of people sickened by the tainted salads is 163 in 10 states. Three of the victims have been hospitalized.

In a statement about the outbreak published on July 13 and updated today, McDonald’s reported that the company proactively decided to remove the lettuce blend in impacted restaurants and replace it through a different supplier:

We have removed existing lettuce blend from identified restaurants and distribution centers – which includes approximately 3,000 of our U.S. restaurants primarily located in the Midwest. Of the 3,000 restaurants, at least one is located in the following states: IL, IA, IN, WI, MI, OH, MN, NE, SD, MT, ND, KY, WV, and MO.


1 comment:

  1. I had this about a month ago. Got my salad at a location in Salisbury and that evening I was very sick and recovered the next morning, Wasn't really sure at the time what caused this and thought maybe the salad was bad. Now with the reports like this, I'm fairly sure what it was.


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