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Thursday, July 12, 2018

NFL Players Union Files Grievance Over League's New National Anthem Policy

The NFL had intended for its rule to achieve a resolution.

For more than a year, controversy had eddied endlessly around players' decisions to kneel during the national anthem. And the league thought a policy requiring players to stand for the anthem if they were on the field — but also allowing them to stay off the field and out of sight — would end an uncomfortable conversation that had reached even the White House.

But if it was resolution the league was seeking, the move failed.

The NFL Players Association announced Tuesday that it has filed a grievance against the league "on behalf of all players."

"The union's claim is that this new policy, imposed by the NFL's governing body without consultation with the NFLPA, is inconsistent with the collective bargaining agreement and infringes on player rights," the group explained in a statement.



  1. Easy for the owners, comply or quit!

  2. Let me get my tiny little violin to play for they sympathy background music...go "protest" on your own time

  3. Comply or be fired!

  4. Anything the libtards touch gets ruined,.

  5. Just fire them all. They should follow the rules or be fired. Simple as that. If they would rather protest than play football. Let them protest on their own time. We pay to see them play football. That"s it period.

  6. The players don't care. The result of their kneeling doesn't cost them any money, but the owners and the nfl lose millions. The majority of the fans hate it, and like myself, choose not to watch their favorite pastime because of it. They don't care if they steal our joy.

  7. At this point, nothing that happens in the NFL concerns me. They've lost me forever.

  8. Suing! WTF They're a union. Why don't they go on strike and go ahead and kill the goose? Maybe the NFL can start over with new non-union players, that have a proportionately diverse team makeup.

  9. Let them kneel and exercise their 'rights' and I'll exercise mine and not watch.
    If more people tune out, it won't be the NFL owners demanding change, it will be the advertisers.

  10. Education of most players are that of a fly. No clue and after its all over, 75% become bankrupt!

    Owners = smart!
    Players = fools!


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