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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Mexican national gets prison time for faking citizenship, stealing $350G in benefits

Andres Avelino Anduaga, a Mexican national who impersonated an American citizen for more than 30 years, was sentenced to 37 months in federal prison for stealing more than $350,000 in government benefits from government agencies, Fox 5 San Diego reported.

He was also reportedly ordered to pay back $360,908.85 in restitution to the Social Security Administration, the California Department of Health Care Services and the county of San Diego.

The report, citing court documents, said in 1980, he used a birth certificate belonging to a U.S. citizen to obtain a California driver’s license and a Social Security card, then used his new false identity to commit a variety of crimes.



  1. I am sure he will write a check

  2. And just what the hell do they think he is going to do when he gets out in about a year? He will be back across that border in no time. They will not see one dime paid back. And just how many more are there, that have not been caught? The justice system is a big joke.


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