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Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Maryland Man Exonerated Of Murder After Decades In Prison

Johnson served 29 years in prison for a murder he did not commit.

 Jerome Johnson walked out of a Baltimore courthouse a free man Monday after serving nearly 30 years in prison for a murder he did not commit.

Since Johnson lost his freedom, the community worked to shut down the bar where the murder happened. It was torn down in November 2011 and is now part of a field used by the Park Heights Saints football and cheer program. There have been a lot of changes.

While taking his first steps of freedom, Johnson's family greeted him outside Courthouse East in downtown Baltimore. Johnson was accused, charged and convicted of taking part in a July 1988 murder inside the Nite Owl Bar, which was located in the 3600 block of Woodland Avenue in Park Heights. Johnson's conviction hinged on testimony from a 15-year-girl who claimed he was in the bar when the victim was shot multiple times.

Johnson has always maintained his innocence. He challenged his conviction in court more than 15 times. City State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby said that, when re-investigating the case, with help from the Mid-Atlantic Innocence Project, two other co-defendants said Johnson wasn't there, and that they found the shooter, who has since died. The witness who claimed Johnson was there had been mistaken.

"Yes, we're all happy that you are finally home, but we also need to recognize that it shouldn't take this long. That when the system inevitably makes mistakes, it needs to be able to correct them and it needs to have the humility to do so," said Shawn Armbrust, of the Mid-Atlantic Innocence Project.

Now, Mosby has dropped all charges against Johnson and apologized to him.



  1. Mosby is trying to do her own pardons. Soros funding programs are big donors. Maybe she should focus on making Baltimore safer

  2. Dave T: The justice system is the last place you'll find justice these days. But hey, at least James Comey and his criminal buddies are ok. That's what matters.

  3. Very sad story.
    I hope to never be in that situation.
    If I am, they better not let me out!

  4. if not innocent as she claims

    he will commit more crimes

  5. Baltmer will be apologizing with a VERY large check.

  6. He will be back in before the end of 2018, any takers?

  7. Where .....WHERE!!! ....are all you self-righteous, perfect, holier-than-anyone else, boot clicking, Nazi promoters who NEVER DO ANYTHING WRONG?????

    Where are you at???
    You SHOULD be at church, praying God fixes your "I never do anything wrong" pompous attitude.
    Thirty years.

    THIRTY YEARS!! Because the state had a CHILD witness and needed a conviction??
    And, of course, he was black.

    HUNDREDS (!!) of people have been released from life sentences and DEATH ROW because SCIENCE proved them innocent, while the state accepted the lies and falsification of evidence (remember "fiber" evidence and how it was used to convict THOUSANDS--- until, the people who came up with it admitted it was mostly BS???). They also gave full credit and credence to detectives who HAD to lie to "get the conviction"? That's perjury, you cheerleading goofs --- that sends citizens to PRISON.
    There are TWO SETS OF LAWS. No question. No doubt.
    NONE of you dumb-ass cheerleaders benefit from it, but cheer like crazy people for it EVERY DAY.
    You should be ashamed that a REPUBLIC has more people in prison than any dictatorship on the planet. Thank God they have people like you to give that "justice system" some props.
    Keep cheering.
    Thirty years.
    Say it to yourself again, cheerleader. Then polish that swastika.
    Or borrow one from the judge.
    Keep cheering.....

    1. Agree

      You see this regularly in civil cases right here in Wicomico County

      Lots of liars make false allegations and the Sherri's bullies and Judges run with the lies

      Due process is gone.....

      something our forefathers fought and died for to ensure due process

  8. 5:59....I left some things out, but read it again.
    Or get someone to read it to you.
    THAT might help.

    The STATE sent an innocent man to prison for THIRTY YEARS. On BS evidence and testimony.
    And they've done it thousands and thousands of times.
    Need any more clarification, Heinrich?
    Would it be better for you if I wrote it in German???

  9. wait so your saying the baltimore cops have been corrupt and framing people for how many years? well thank god they have that under control now. lol. well look at the bright side maryland tax payers get to shell out millions to this guy. why is that the bright side? because maryland is a notorious liberal state, i`m sure the maryland liberals have no problems with putting their tax money where their mouths are


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