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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Maryland Lottery Dad’s Scratch-off Tradition Leads to $200,000 Lottery Payday

Wicomico County woman claims $200,000 Jackpot game’s top prize

A Salisbury woman is celebrating all of the great things that happen when family members come to visit – like winning the Lottery! When the 40-year-old and her father scratched a couple of $200,000 Jackpot instant tickets this week, she uncovered the $10 game’s $200,000 top prize.

The Medicare benefits coordinator said that her winning moment was a product of a family tradition that she and her father rekindled when her parents came to visit. “He always liked to scratch, so we picked up a couple of the $200,000 Jackpot tickets and scratched them at home,” she said.

The Wicomico County resident was standing up, talking with her family, when she revealed a match on her instant ticket and then the prize below. “When I saw the skinny zeroes, I knew I had something big,” she said. “I was pretty calm but I began to show the ticket to each of my family members to confirm what I was seeing.”



  1. This must be a hoax nobody never wins big in the lottery on the lower Shore when the ticket is bought on the Lower Shore. Always across the bridge. The lottery must be baiting us to buy more tickets on the lower Shore.

  2. Off topic Joe but would you please address this bold faced LIE by the FAKE forever Bible quoting LIAR April R. Jackson.
    She's posted this on FB:
    April R. Jackson
    6 hrs ·

    Trayvon Martin's loss life was a tragic moment along with many more young African American men being murdered due to the color of their skin, their hair & clothes they wear.

    As anyone knows who watched the trial Jackson is telling a bold faced lie. As an elected person she should be an example and not a liar. As the supposed Christian she claims to be she should not be telling lie.

    Trayvon Martin was most certainly without any doubts to decent honest people a thug. His own record speaks for itself. The autopsy report spoke to both a brain and a liver that already at his young age showed deterioration due to excesses use of the illegal drug cocktail known as Lean.

    Now to educate the Liar Jackson. George Zimmerman was told to return to his vehicle by the dispatcher and he did. It was there that the THUG Martin came over to him and attacked him. Zimmerman had injuries consistent with his testimony. Martin was shot consistent to Zimmermans testimony and that of witnesses and forensics.
    Now lets see if Jackson is an honest woman and corrects her lies. I doubt it though. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree and her father (and only the Lord knows if he was really her father!) was a lying BSer too.

  3. Zimmerman saw Martin acting suspicious. He followed him while calling 911 and after giving location and description he was told to go back to his vehicle which he did to wait for responding officer. It was there (a good distance away from where he saw Martin and off track to where Martin was said to be going-so in other words Martin stalked Zimmerman)
    that he was jumped and attacked by Martin. After sustaining multiple injuries he managed to pull out his gun which he was legally allowed to have and shot Martin in self defense.
    April Jackson will lie all day long to make things look racial. It's okay though. God sees her ugly lying heart. She can lie all day long about being Christian but she can't lie to God. He will punish her so no need for us to try and get her to finally be a good decent honest human being. It is not in her blood.

  4. her father was billy gene jackson biggest BS artist around. they named the park after him. this is why the black race falls short in all social achievements. they idolize the worst kind of people. a real good honest successful intelligent man like dr ben carson they ridicule and marginalize. they say you can't fix stupid and its true and you also can't fix generations of accepting and encouraging immoral behaviors either.

  5. Boo Trayvon...boooooooooooooo!

  6. Trayvon Martin was a predator hunting people a mindset his parents instilled in him he was killed because his violence brought violence.

  7. Remember this gem - "..he could have been my son.." BHO!

    Time to move on!


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