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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Lisa Page Faces Contempt of Congress After Defying Subpoena

Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page might be held in contempt of Congress because she rejected a subpoena to testify before a House Judiciary Committee hearing scheduled for Wednesday.

Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, and Rep. Trey Gowdy, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, send Page’s lawyer Amy Jeffress an ultimatum after she failed to appear for the hearing — demanding she appear for 10 AM hearings this Thursday or Friday. If she does not comply by Friday the 13th at 10:30 AM, the House will initiate contempt proceedings.

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) backed up Goodlatte’s threat of contempt. “If she wants to come plead the Fifth, that’s her choice,” Ryan said, but she must appear and testify to comply with the congressional subpoena. “I stand behind chairman Goodlatte a hundred percent on this.”



  1. As she should, any other human walking this earth would be charged in the same manner. She is NOT privileged no matter who she thinks she is!

  2. Any woman with a mouth like hers will never spend a night in jail.

  3. I'm trying to recall the last time contempt of congress actually meant anything. Was it in the McCarthy era?

  4. Who didn't LOVE IT when, as a matter of integrity goes, Gohmert asked him about how much integrity he had when he was cheating on his wife?
    I know THAT can get you fired from jobs (if you will lie and cheat on your wife (!), what would you do to someone who is merely your employer??) AND when I was in the Army, officers caught cheating would be disciplined/discharged over it.
    I guess integrity means something else to the FBI.
    Start the hanging.
    Televise it.
    Leave them hanging until the flesh falls off and their bodies are merely strings of flesh and a skeleton.
    I'll bet the NEXT generation of agents and politicians would behave a bit better....
    Keep cheering.


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