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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Liberal Meltdown Erupts After Trump Picks Kavanaugh

Following President Trump's Monday evening nomination of judge Brett Kavanaugh to fill Justice Anthony Kennedy's now-vacant seat, hundreds of protesters outside the Supreme Court broke open boxes of pre-printed "Stop Kavanaugh" signs - wasting a substantial amount of paper as the other Supreme Court nominees' pre-printed protest banners went unused.

Sign-printing business is booming. Trump economy! pic.twitter.com/tOeWP6cLDi
— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) July 10, 2018

In other words, it didn't matter who Trump picked - this was always going to be the response.

Those opposed to the selection flipped to their anti-Kavanaugh talking points and filled in the blanks on their prepared statements - for the most part.



  1. Trump could have nominated a jar of dill pickles and the left would come up with a legal decision the pickles decided on was wrong and it caused the deaths of 33,000 women and 14,000 chidren!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I love it! Liberal heads are EXPLODING! They can't even have a rational thought over this. They've become plumb crazy.

  4. Dems would protest if Trump had nominated Jesus....it's just what Dems do.


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