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Friday, July 06, 2018

Judge gives green light to California's sanctuary laws

A federal judge upheld most of California’s new sanctuary laws Thursday, but did rule the state went too far when it ordered businesses not to grant access to the Border Patrol or deportation officers.

Judge John A. Mendez, a Bush appointee to the court, said the state does not have to turn over illegal immigrants and can refuse to cooperate with federal agents, as long as it still allows local police to share information.

And he ruled that California has the right to perform inspections on any facility that holds illegal immigrants in the state.

Both of those are major victories for the sanctuary movement, which had seen California’s laws as a major test of the legal situation.



  1. California needs to have fed funds cut off to all sanctuary cities until the Supreme Court follows the Constitution and strikes this down!

  2. Let the a$$es in CA keep every one of the too

  3. This judge has to be removed ASAP! Federal law says it is a crime to hide, harbor, or conceal an illegal alien!

  4. 4:06 is so correct. The law is 8 US Code Sec. 1324

    Send federal marshals and arrest this fool!

  5. I have said it from the beginning. These people are here ILLEGALLY. They are not American citizens therefore they have no legal rights in this country. No courts, no hearings they are not Americans. Just send them back to where ever they came from. Period.

    1. Remember the ALAMO

      Where they killed Americans

      Down with the Spanish Lopez , Rodriguez, Hose, ect

  6. 7:06 we should just kill, rob, and rape them at will, they are illegal and you are right, they have no rights in America!


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