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Monday, July 09, 2018

Immigration is the top issue for U.S. voters

Immigration tops the economy and healthcare as the most important issue determining Americans’ vote ahead of the midterm elections in November, a new Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll shows.

The poll, conducted between June 28 and July 2, found:

- Fifteen percent of U.S. registered voters said immigration was the top issue determining how they will cast their ballot in November, while 14 percent said the economy was their biggest concern.

- Twenty-six percent of registered Republicans cited immigration as the most important issue likely to determine their vote, up 14 percentage points from a similar poll conducted at the beginning of June.

- Healthcare remains the top issue for registered Democrats (16 percent), followed by the economy (14 percent), the Reuters/Ipsos poll shows. Seven percent of Democrats cited immigration as their top concern.



  1. What happened to gun control???? The liberal media is off that kick for now so it is not an issue.

  2. I love the misdirection - is it really immigration or the LACK of enforcing immigration laws?


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