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Sunday, July 01, 2018

Illegal Aliens: The New Black Vote for Democrats

As an African-American, I cannot remember a better time in history to live in the United States; and thanks to the policies of President Trump, many other Blacks are starting to feel the same way. The 60-year gig is up for the power-hungry Democratic Party that has been running a massive scam on Black people since the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King. Thank God -- Black people are finally starting to wake up and unplug themselves from the Liberal Matrix that has ruled their reality for over a half a century.

First it was the hilariously viral YouTube sensations “Diamond & Silk” supporting Trump during his 2016 Presidential campaign.

Then, it was Kanye West shocking the world with his vehement support of President Trump on TMZ Live, touting all the wonderful things that Trump has done for the Black community. Remember, this is the same guy who said back in 2005 during the Hurricane Katrina catastrophe that President Bush “doesn’t care about Black people.” He has now woken up to the Democrat scam and is making an effort to wake his fellow Blacks up to it.



  1. we are witnessing the demise of the Democratic group

  2. Now seriously,that's a whole lot of waking up you're talking about.However,if he thinks he can get through to them let him have at it.

    1. It must be the same feelings your english teacher felt attempting to teach you. However, i doubt that she gave up.

  3. Even my parents said they believed that the democrats had him killed because he would have kept them from controlling the blacks. They need to wake up and get away from the democratic party.


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