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Sunday, July 08, 2018

If Granted By Court, Injunction Would Permit Topless Women In OC Until Final Ruling Made

OCEAN CITY — While the civil suit challenging Ocean City’s topless ordinance moves through the court system, the plaintiffs in the case late last week filed a motion seeking a preliminary injunction allowing women to immediately go bare-chested in the same public areas where men can.

A little over a year ago, the Ocean City Mayor and Council passed an emergency ordinance prohibiting women from going topless in certain public areas including the beach and Boardwalk where men are allowed to go shirtless. The ordinance was passed in response to a request from Chelsea Eline to the Town of Ocean City, the Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office and the Maryland Attorney General’s Office for clarification of the existing state laws prohibiting female toplessness in certain public areas.

Last week, with the suit filed in U.S. District Court plodding through the court system and the calendar flipping to July, the attorney for the named plaintiffs filed a motion seeking a preliminary injunction which, if granted, would enjoin the town from enforcing the topless ordinance.

Noted civil rights attorney Devon Jacob, who represents Eline and the other named plaintiffs, filed the motion for a preliminary injunction on Friday. Jacob said he asked the town to consider not enforcing the topless ordinance voluntarily until a decision is reached in the federal case but the request was denied.



  1. Yeah, because male and female bodies are identical, laws should be identical.

    Got it.

    And guys look good in dresses, too.

  2. ridiculous - while Ocean City is far from being the family friendly destination it promotes, something like this is just too much. I am a resident and have children who frequent the beach and am tired of every silly little thing becoming a legal action by progressive liberals and their ilk. Since when do the basic rights of myself and my children matter less than this loon? What ever happened to modesty? What ever happened to common decency? Enough of this already!!!

  3. Good opportunity for a compromise. Does OC still have daily rotating surfing beaches? If so,let them be the topless beaches also.

  4. What is wrong with some people? Is this to groom children ?

  5. Save the ta ta's!!!!!!

  6. Rickie loves attention, regardless of the circus show it presents!

    It does deflect from the $7M drunk wall that runs down coastal highway!!!!

    Wag that dog Rickie, wag it good!

  7. the women who WANT to be topless are rarely the women OTHER people want to see topless.


  8. The plaintits in the case filed a motion?

  9. Heres the problem- its nearly impossible to have a discussion about this- half the childlike minds around here on the right will say "boobs are sinful" and the childlike minds on the left will say, "boobs are wonderful".
    As in most things, the problem is where the boundary gets drawn. You know damn well once toplessness get accepted, nudism is next. There is no argument you can make for public toplessness that is also NOT and argument for full nudism. Is that what we want? And where is the line then? Sex in public?

  10. Being traumatized by boobs is learned behavior. Ive been to topless beaches in Europe, the kids don't even bat an eye.

  11. Disgusting perverted woman

  12. Finely OC is going to have free entertainment!

    I have been to NY central park and the girls there are topless no one is too upset, after a few looks you are used to it. Don't be so old fashioned.

  13. If men are now allowed to go into the ladies room because they feel like a women, then where does all this end?

  14. We used to be free

  15. 9:06.
    The epitome of individualism, liberty, self-determination, and individual freedom.
    That's the best example you could get??
    We should be more like them???

    We have saved them from their own cowardice and stupidity TWICE. We essentially rule the world. They are on their knees more often than their feet.
    And THEY are the example you want us to imitate?? Seriously??

    What your next idea? Import 3 million people who are sworn to kill you if they can manage to take over your country?? Europe is doing it!!! Yeah, Europe!!
    They can have their own morality. Just don't lecture most Americans about what they should be willing to put up with "because they do it in Europe".
    They set women on fire in Saudi Arabia and need FIVE witnesses to convict an attacker of rape. or the woman gets forty lashes.
    You good with that, too?
    And yes, I do know geography, likely 5-20 times more than you.
    And in 20 years Europe WILL be just another African muslim cesspool.
    Because they are "permissive" and "inclusive". And wait to see what happens to topless women THEN.
    Find a better example to use for Americans to emulate.


  16. i would rather see a topless women than a topless fatman, until O.C. can find a way to tax topless ladies and not topless fat guys,they will fight it in court and spend millions of tax payer dollars. i have no problem with nudity i think the femal body is a work of art,if you don`t want to be nude and show your obese body then don`t do it nobody is forcing you to. if nude bodies make you feel uncomfortable about your own obese body , then that`s YOUR problem, but you have no right to tell others that they have to cover up to make you feel secure with your obesity.you have two choices, lose weight or stop bitching. nobody wants to be fat but trying to shame people for not being fat is not a right that you have as a fat person.

  17. Just be sure to let us know what street they will be sunning on!


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