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Saturday, July 14, 2018

Hillary Clinton Warns That Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Would Bring Back Slavery, Take America Back ‘to the 1850s'

On Friday morning, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton suggested that President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, would bring back slavery if he is confirmed to the nation's highest court.

"Let me say a word about the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court," Clinton told the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) at its national convention. "This nomination holds out the threat of devastating consequences for workers rights, civil rights, LGBT rights, women’s rights — including those to make our own health decisions."

"It is a blatant attempt by this administration to shift the balance of the Court for decades and to reverse decades of progress," the former Democratic presidential nominee declared.

Then came the kicker: "I used to worry that they [the Republicans] wanted to turn the clock back to the 1950s. Now I worry they want to turn it back to the 1850s."



  1. Well, that statement alone tells you that Hillary is delusional. Whew, and to think if it hadn't been for "the deplorables", she would have been our President.

  2. Anyone who is a democrat voter is a really sick person. They are constantly living in fear. It would really suck to be them. They have allowed themselves to be reduced to nothing more then programmed tools.

  3. Desperate people say and do desperate things.

  4. I really wish some 1 percenter with all that money and wealth will shut that beeitch down. I feel like the person who say something as ridiculous as returning to the 1850's actually wish it would happen. We call it, a hit dog hollers. The way Hildabeast C. and the Clinton foundation treated the Haitians with their fake donations clearly remind me of how much they really don't give a damn about women's right too choose, LBGTQ rights, worker's rights or civil rights. The Clinton's are full of poop. Hildabeast C. needs to be shut down completely. Beeitch, please go back into the woods and talk to deers, owls, birds, stray dogs and cats, pigs, cows and bears. Your so full of HATE.

    I'm a proud black, female registered Democrat and a veteran who is sick of the Clintons, Pelosi, B. Sanders, M. Waters, E. Warren, Schumer and the rest of the DNC ole guard / cronies that really don't give a damn about ordinary struggling working class people, the poor, the elderly, the disable, veterans, or minorities. Your just a bunch of closet racist's.

  5. "On Friday morning, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton suggested that President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, would bring back slavery if he is confirmed to the nation's highest court."

    At this stage, that may actually be a positive thing.

  6. Does she mean the Republican party of the 1850s that formed to prevent the expansion of slavery and eventually abolished slavery? Or does she mean the Democratic party of the 1850s who seceded from the Union in an attempt to preserve the institution of slavery? Or maybe she means the Democratic party of the 1950s whose premier domestic political pillar was segregation and Jim Crow? I must be confused.

  7. Yeah, Hillary, and electing Donald Trump will drive the economy into a depression like no other.

    Keep lying...

  8. A..what is so wrong with that? Sounds fine to me, I'll buy 3!

  9. how she forgets she is a Democrat. The Democrats that wanted slavery back in the 1850s. How soon we forget the republicans tried to help the slaves

  10. She is truly mentally unstable and ill!

  11. She is a very demented, sick and perverse lady....

    She belongs in a mental facility for proper treatment...

    1. No. She need to be in a hole covered with poop. I absolutely dislike her.

  12. Time for the old witch to be institutionalized.

  13. Where's the auction?

  14. Because she is dilusional she gets ample time on MSM.

  15. She certainly is not a lady 9:07.
    I am a black male and didn't vote for her husband. Darn sure didn't vote for this nut bag.


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