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Friday, July 06, 2018

Hamilton vs. Jefferson

The Fourth of July celebrates America’s freedom from England. The delegates from the thirteen colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, the document written by Thomas Jefferson that gave America its moral pulse. After the Continental Congress approved the final wording of the Declaration of Independence, the United States of America was born.

Americans need to be grateful to Jefferson for giving us the language and values of liberty and freedom. Yet, by watching and listening to Lin-Manuel Miranda’s play “Hamilton” people will get the wrong impression of Hamilton and Jefferson. As Hamilton’s star has risen, Jefferson’s has fallen. In looking at the political views and policies of each man there should be a recognition of who is the elitist and who is the one supporting the common individual.



  1. Broadway misrepresented reality? I'm shocked. Too many of today's citizens have either forgotten or never learned the foundational values of this country. Self determination, individual rights, etc. They would rather have government provide for them and keep them safe....socialist morons. They don't realize that ALWAYS leads to tyranny.

  2. I would not personally put any stock in a musical supposedly depicting historical events.I sat there wondering why any idiot would pay a fortune to watch that crap,but then I realized that I just had.

  3. The Hamilton on Broadway has an entire cast of blacks, stage hands, and all of the other workers are black. Just think if white people tried to do a play with only white people. Talk about a bunch of "Racist", this bunch is a shinning example.


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