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Friday, July 27, 2018

Gregg Jarrett: Comey and Strzok -- Two key players in the scheme to clear Clinton and frame Trump

In one of the more stunning revelations contained in the report compiled by the Justice Department’s watchdog, former FBI Director James Comey claimed he doesn’t remember the moment he decided – and put down in writing -- that Hillary Clinton had committed crimes.

We know that on or about May 2, 2016, Comey composed a statement summarizing Clinton’s mishandling of classified documents, concluding that she was “grossly negligent.” Those pivotal words have a distinct legal meaning, and are drawn directly from a federal statute, 18 U.S.C. 793(f), which makes it a felony to handle classified documents in a “grossly negligent” manner.

Comey used the exact phrase not once, but twice.

Based on Comey’s finding, Clinton should have faced a multiple-count criminal indictment, since the FBI discovered that she had stored 110 classified emails on her unauthorized, private computer server. Other people had been prosecuted for similar conduct that jeopardized national security in violation of the law. Yet, Comey – despite characterizing Clinton’s actions with the clear language denoting violation of the law - saw to it that no charges were ever brought against Clinton.



  1. At least he should be charged for disorderly conduct.

  2. And democrats call Russian meddling the reason Trump won, when the real 'meddling' came from within their own party. Problem is, it didn't work.
    Remember the bizarre behavior of Director Comey a few months before the election?? First, he clears Clinton of ANY wrong doing, then flips a few days before the elections to seemingly show he was NOT trying to show bias. It was a smoke screen the entire world could see through. Problem was, he thought Clinton clinched it, as the MSM polls were telling him that, so why not make it look like he was neutral.
    How wrong the MSM - and Mr. Comey were - and how lucky the country was.


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