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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Germany: Migrant Decapitates Baby, Government Tries To Cover It Up

Authorities raid home of man who posted video

Authorities in Germany tried to cover-up the brutal murder of a German woman and a 1-year-old baby girl in Hamburg by an illegal immigrant from Niger by raiding the apartment of the man who posted a video of the incident online.

On April 12, 33-year-old Mourtala Madou stabbed his German ex-girlfriend, identified as Sandra P., and their one-year-old baby daughter, Miriam, at a Hamburg subway station. The woman’s 3-year-old son was also a witness to the carnage.

A gospel singer named Daniel J. who arrived at the subway moments after the attack and filmed the bloody scene on his phone witnessed that the baby had been almost or completely decapitated.

“Oh my God. It’s unbelievable. Oh Jesus, oh Jesus, oh Jesus. They cut off the head of the baby. Oh my God. Oh Jesus,” he is heard saying in the clip.



  1. This is what our govt wants, which is why they want illegals here not just for votes... Also why do you think they wan to take your guns? You will have no choice but to be a victim eventually...

  2. Somehow the saying “sleep with dogs and you will get fleas” is appropriate here. Initially I thought it to be an outrage but after reading that it was an African and a “former girlfriend” , I totally lost interest.

  3. Get them out of here!!!

  4. I can't believe the German people haven't started a civil war. Can Germans own guns? Every true German better get armed. The Muslims don't have do anything to take over,the German politicians are doing it for them.It seems to me the politicians need to go first. Take note American Politicians you could be next.

  5. See its all part of an evil agenda. A Hidden danger of the rainbow. We are just beginning to reaping whats been sown. Allot more satanic evil coming if we dont take a knee for Jesus


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