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Friday, July 13, 2018

Franchot opponent claims ethics violation over comptroller coins

Comptroller Peter Franchot’s little known Republican opponent, Anjali Reed Phukan, said she plans to file an ethics complaint this week against the three-term incumbent for passing out embossed medallions that bear the authority line of his campaign committee.

Franchot has been passing out the coins to thousands of people for at least five years, reviving a tradition started by the late Comptroller Louie Goldstein. He served in the office for 39 years until his death 20 years ago this month.

Goldstein’s golden coins, simpler and lighter, bore his legendary send off,
“God bless you all real good.” It too bore the authority line of his campaign treasurer.

In 2013, Franchot told the Sun’s Michael Dresser, “Everyone asks me from time to time about where my gold coins are,” he said. “I finally got sick of it and had a really nice medallion made.”



  1. Is this done on tax payer dollars? He is nowhere near the same caliber as Louie Goldstein was. No comparison.

  2. The Republican newcomer he my vote. He has been in office way too long

  3. I've got one.

    He is using tax dollars to pay for his campaign.


  4. AG Froth will unleash his hounds. /sarc


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