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Monday, July 23, 2018

Fox News’ Eboni Williams backs National Anthem Protest

Friday while debating the NFL’s currently suspended new National Anthem policy that requires players to either stand on the field or remain in the locker room, Fox News anchor and Fox Sports 1 “Undisputed” moderator Eboni Williams questioned those who oppose the timing of the anthem protests, asking when a better time would be than when everyone’s eyes are on them.

“What you cannot do in this country, to my knowledge, is tell free, grown folks what they will or will not do, particularly when, like [Jurrell] Casey, they are willing to pay the cost of disrupting that process,” Williams stated.



  1. actually i think your employer can limit what you say/do while during work hours.

  2. instead of pissing all over the fans maybe the players should address the problems in black and minority communities that bring the police into their neighborhoods.

  3. Eboni, you are 100% correct, and no one can tell you not to show up at work and burn an American flag in the middle of your sports report, either, right? I mean, what could your boss do about it, anyway? He's powerless, right? He's got no right to tell you anything about that!

  4. And she is absolutely right.

    And it's my right to tell the NFL to go suck an egg.

    ...which I did. Goodbye NFL RedZone.

  5. Doesn't matter at this point if they stand or kneel. In their hearts these spoiled little man-children, getting paid millions of dollars to play catch, hate America. So why would anyone want to watch or support them any more?

  6. They need to move to Iran for Freedom.

  7. Who do these over grown spoiled brats think pay their salaries! You don’t cut off the hand that feeds you just so you can be right!

  8. Eboni Eboni Eboni, "...what you cannot do in this country, to my knowledge, is tell free, grown folks what they will or will not do..."

    Capitalism is about making money honey and when private industry runs capitalism (pretty much...I know there's gov't and other things), YOUR EMPLOYER OWNS YOU! That, unless you are the EMPLOYER!

    From where I stand, I hope you still have a job a FS1 after the garbage that just came out of our mouth!

  9. With a name like that why wouldn’t she have? Shouldn’t be a shocking surprise.

  10. The NFL is dead to me bye bye you overpaid hoods


  12. They have no right to protest on company time

  13. go protest on the street corner on Monday!dont use national tv for your platform when you cant even answer what your protesting. other than your oboma is gone! over priced criminals.

  14. Dave T: No apologies here - it is wrong to disrespect the flag when so many people died and sacrificed for this nation. If you have a problem, express it another way. Disrespecting the flag is only interpreted as one thing - disrespecting the flag. When I see that, I don't attach it to any other thing. How people have been fooled into thinking it's the right thing to do makes about as much sense as adopting socialism as our form of government. It's simply wrong from the start. Interesting, how the same people who support socialism are also the same people who disrespect the flag. These days, they're call Democrats, but I prefer to call them what they really are - complete and total idiots. Real Democrats actually have more sense, but people won't see that because there are hardly any of them remaining in this failed government.

  15. Instead of outdoing drugs and drinking and clubbing they should be out in the community mediating their ideas with both sides of their disagreement. Use their off time and not my sport enjoyment time to be an a$$. That is not what they get paid to do. As for as being noticed use their money and time in the community where the youth are making a positive difference instead of protesting. I forgot they are part of the 1% that promotes negative opposition instead of attempting to make a positive influence with the young people. That means get them out of gangs and off drugs.

  16. Didnt watch last year amd wont again
    Not until i hear 1:19s idea splashed on the news. Chicago, baltimore,and detriot to places to start

  17. That's how stupid he is.....

    The owners (their employers) have EVERY RIGHT to tell them what is acceptable behavior and the player can choose to obey or quit.

    That's how it REALLY works, you idiot.

    My God, this country is chock full of people that don't have a clue but continue to spout BS about "rights" they really don't understand.

    F the NFL. It's a SPORT, not a political platform and these monkey pretenders can't seem to tell the difference.

    Keep cheering.

  18. The only reason they are protesting on the field is because they have a captive audience, period! Otherwise no one would listen or even care what they have to say. Without the NFL these guys are nobody's. Once they quit or retire does anybody care what they do or say? NOPE,not a soul!!

  19. They will have another year of poor attendance
    Low revenue

  20. can the NFL last one more year with out the fans.. of coarse they set have the p.....y fans that dont have anything else to do

  21. Once one, always one.

  22. You can take them out of the Ghetto, but...

  23. Then, do not pass go. Do not collect a hundred dollars. Go directly to JAIL!


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